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Edited games

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  • Edited games

    I'm running into a minor problem with scenarios that I have edited. If I edit the rules of a scenario, when I play the game the tech tree does not allow me to click on any techs and the arrows which link technologies appear as grey lines which meander across the page. This only happens with scenarios in which I have modified the rules. Any idea why this might be happening? These modified scenarios are still playable (just need to know what you want before you select a new tech) but is a little irritating.

    Anyone else have this problem? I've tried reinstalling the game. Same problem.

  • #2
    Well all I can say is its not just u. Happens every time to me also. No idea how or if its fixable. Very big pain in the butt though. Have not found any other way to change research in mid stream other than that window. Which of course dosen't work after u deselect use default rules in scenario editor.


    • #3
      I've seen this complaint a few dozen times in a number of threads, it seems to be a bug that needs attention. Check out this thread for more insight.

      Creation>Tech Tree Problems
      Question Authority.......with mime...


      • #4
        There i go posting before doing a board search. Magnar go to the Civ3 files forum, Topic "Editor Question". Gramphos answered it there.
        the civ3mod.bic are the "default" rules. Anything else is saved as overrides(and stored in the saves) If you edit the old rules it is possible that you no longer can load old saves, but that is the only way to mod until the tech tree bug is fixed.
        So if u want the tech tree to work, edit the civ3mod.bic not the scenario bic file. Just verified it. Tech tree worked fine when modding rules in civ3mod.bic file. Might be good idea to make copy of the file first though. In case u ever want standard rules back.

        Thanks Gramphos

        And wotan321. Must have been posting while i was also. Maybe this will teach me for logging on after only 2hr's sleep.


        • #5
          Napalm010 sez:
          Must have been posting while i was also. Maybe this will teach me for logging on after only 2hr's sleep.
          You get sleep? Good for you. Despite my whining about the shortcomings of this game, I have given up sleep...... except at work or during family functions..... (prioritize....prioritize...)

 bit of Civ3 advice. When your boss wakes you from sleeping with your face down on the keyboard, immediately sit up and say "In Jesus' name, Amen". But don't try it too often, cuz its sacreligious, and bosses EVENTUALLY catch on... and I have trouble getting the reverse imprint of the letters from the keyboard off my face.....
          Question Authority.......with mime...

