I'm only into my 3rd game, now playing on Regent and I noticed this. The AI likes to trespass into your territory, either to go to some unclaimed land on the other side of your lands, or to send workers to their cities on the other side of your lands. In my current game, two early wars were started against the Romans because they kept doing that and I was worried that they were trying to position themselves before invading me. I told Caesar "go away or declare war", and he declared war. I won these two defensive wars. Later when the Romans (and Egyptians and Greeks) kept doing it again (sometimes sending up to 12 units - workers as well as soldiers), I just let them be. They meant no harm, and were just wasting their workers time walking through my territory (I didn't give Right of Passage and they couldn't use my roads). But maybe it's just because these AI civs are more civilised. I wonder whether it'd be the same with Xerxes of the Persians or Shaka of the Zulus.
No announcement yet.
AI likes trespassing, but usually don't mean harm.
I have noticed that the AI generally respects the borders, with the following exceptions:
1. Ships.
2. Settler and escort moving through your territory to unclaimed land.
3. Workers moving toward one of their own cities.
4. Troops moving toward one of their own cities.
5. When fighting with another AI civ, it won't hesitate to send troops to attack that civ through your territoy.
6. When you are at war with him
I have problem with #5, it should require diplomatic consent from you.AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew
I have found that if the AI sends a bunch of military units they are usually going to declare war. If you demand withdrawal they will immediately declare war or the will declare war at the end of your turn.
I demanded withdrawal from Germany early in a game they apologized and promised to withdraw but there was not the usual auto withdrawal. At the end of my turn they declared war.
Bottom line, if they don't respect your borders they are pissed about something.
They don't necessarily have to be pissed IMO but they do have to have very little respect for you as a world power. Build a huge army and leave it sitting around. The AI will very rarely or never trespass because they know how many units you have and they're afraid. You can gauge your progress versus the other civs by how often they trespass against you.
There are two types of borders. In general, AI respects your borders if you have a strong culture and a strong military, but they still do tresspass when they need to move troops from point A to point B and your borders are in the way, and I've heard a lot of people complain about Civs ignoring your borders if they declare war on a third Civ and you're sort of in the middle.
If this is indeed true, and can't be helped by your power and such, then some modifications is required.AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew
A lot of it depends on your culture level and their respect for you. In some of my games the AI would not send military units through my territory at all when reassigning units to his different cities - this lead to one of his cities, completely within my borders, having a horseman who ran laps around his city but couldn't go anywhere. Usually when you get your culture and/or respect that high the only time they will send units through your territory is when they are at war with someone else and they can't get there any other way, and even then they will pull them back when you tell them to, but the next turn they will go on through. In one game I had a civ trying to go to war with one that I was trying to keep alive (I was trading luxuries with them and they were acting as a buffer between me and a more powerful civilization). The aggressor was 'Gracious' towards me and whenever I asked him to remove his troops from my territory he would, without his attitude towards me changing, but the very next turn he would come across again. I had to ask him to remove his troops every single turn to keep him from attacking the other civilization, but it worked.
I don't like anyone trespassing on my land period. I find with settlers when you ask them to leave the second time they're automtaically moved out and don't come back. If they refuse, good source of workers.
In the game I'm playing now egypt and america were at war, america wanted a right of passage to get troops to egypt. I was at first very reluctant until I saw that this might help keep my economy afloat for some time. Then half way through my territory america back stabbed me! So I am very reluctant to let em through even if there is a war somewhere else. Anyways must go now and enjoy the we love the king celebrations being held in Washington.