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The future of America is at stake, so I must declare war

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  • The future of America is at stake, so I must declare war


    I'm the Americans, and I have built a reasonable sized empire on my continent. One problem though, AI civs have landed settlers on my continent and are building cities like crazy. Foreign cities... Everywhere. As a result I have decided that I must annex or destroy these new cities, cripple the expansionist civilations that are native to my continent and hold back the other foreign civs or else.

    I've decided to array myself against the Egyptian Empire, my neighbor to the south. One problem, Cleopatra is so friendly, that nothing I do can provoke her into declaring war on me. So I'm thinking about using the declare war option. Does formally declaring war result in a loss of reputation points? Or can I get away with declaring war on Egypt without the other civs turning on me?]

  • #2
    Just keep asking her for the maximum amount of gold(hold the 9 key down), or instead of declaring war, just let your culture take over the cities.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ham50
      ...just let your culture take over the cities.
      easier said than done...


      • #4
        Demand tribute until he (she) becomes furious then establish embassy if you haven't. Try to steal tech (use option that costs the lowest). You will prob get caught and they will declare war.


        • #5
          As far as I understand, and I think Soren said this in his transcript, unlike Civ2, delcaring war has no effect on your reputation, only breaking treaties (and I don't mean peace treaties). In fact, whenever you make a peace treaty with a former enemy, it says "will last until war is redeclared" which is kinda silly since this gives neither your nor your opponent even a Geneva convention cease fire assurance.

          I had exactly the same kind of situation (as the Aztecs) and simply swepped american cities out of my way. Needless to say though they weren't real friendly for the rest of the game.


          • #6
            Dont you lose rep. if you get caught stealing?or get caught in any espianage?
            Die-Bin Laden-die

