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Newbies just lack enough knowledge about civilization games to post here

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  • #61
    Re: It's like jazz...if you have to ask...

    Last edited by TCO; November 23, 2001, 19:31.


    • #62
      The only reason I've came here was because this site is great for getting information about Civ3 and the admins should be proud. Not everybody is a know-it-all and some feel that its better to ask and know then never know at all.

      I asked that question not to know the answer(I knew it before), but I wanted to show an example that all newbies are not civ-ignorant as some people seem to think/act. I wanted to show that I'm a newbie here that's been playing the civ series since it came out and I've as much experience or more w/ civ than anybody here(unless they beta tested civ1).


      • #63
        Originally posted by sachmo71

        Now let the flames begin, as I don't expect you or those like you to understand any of this. You are to busy puffing yourselves up with a sense of accomplishment over NOTHING!
        Pardon, but I understand your message in 100%. I can only tell you that I have tried to change my temporary attitude (has to do with all the hassle cause by the "newbie" message flood recently) to new Apolytoners, but it's sometimes uneasy to not make one or two sarcastic comments. As said, I'm not the worst enemy of new Apolytoners as you might have noticed in the Civ 3 Help forum. Hopefully you don't take any accusations personally. Once again I appologise if I have sliped on someones toes, but I'm not the only one.

        I don't want to argue on this point here anymore, because it has nothing to do with Civ III. So back to business...
        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


        • #64
          Originally posted by yin26
          As one of the most 'senior' posters on this forum, I have to say that the elitist attitude shown here makes me sick. While I have decided not to post so much lately, seeing new people treated this way makes me want to post even less. Shame on those of you doing such things! You don't belong here.

          To all the new people here: Please ignore such trolls! There are good and bad people where ever you go. We are all at one point new people on a forum, and I hope that you decide to hang around and contribute in helpful ways to the community. I repeat: Ignore elitist trolls!

          And for you geeks wanting to play the 'rank game': I hereby order anybody with fewer posts than I have to stop this crap and welcome new people. Your Master has spoken. Obey.
          I couldn't agree more
          In the 'good old days', when Yin26 was still the moderator of the CivIII Forum, this unfounded elitism and hostile attitude were rarely displayed over here. (Perhaps in the Off-Topic, but NOT here)
          And -in case the newbies haven't already noticed- this caddish attitude is and was hardly ever expressed by the truly good posters, who made this Forum at the time. At worst a newbie was sometimes ignored. When someone is interested to know who in those days were considered the really inspiring posters read this thread.

          Unfortunately most of them seem to have departed by now. The discerning reader will notice that most of the good posters didn't necessarily have a high rank, though some of them did. It is far easier to make 30,000 scribbled notes without substance than to write a hundred informative, well-argued and/or original posts with new and constructive ideas!

          S.Kroeze, considered by some a good poster -though only a Warlord
          Last edited by S. Kroeze; November 23, 2001, 17:47.
          Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


          • #65
            Originally posted by Rasbelin

            I don't want to argue on this point here anymore, because it has nothing to do with Civ III. So back to business...
            Couldn't agree more!


            • #66
              Actually I came here looking for tips for Quake.
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • #67
                Originally posted by Zizka
                and a big glorious pile of doo doo for elitists...

                I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I needed that. Thanks, Zizka!


