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Firaxis needs to give us more info and be more open

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  • Firaxis needs to give us more info and be more open

    I think Civ3 is a big improvement over CIv2. I do have somethings I dont like about it. One is that they decided to leave MP out of the orginal release. But I think the major problem with Civ3 does not lay with the game itself but in the fact that Firaxis is being so tight lipped about everything.

    You ask them what is the deal with mp, they say that they are working on it. You want to know what they will do with the Civ3 editor so that it will be possible to make scenarios, they dont even reply. Whats the deal? Why can't you guys at Firaxis give us more info about the game?

    Please Firaxis respond to our questions and give us some real info, instead of the veage answer you give us all the time. No one a Firaxis barely every seems to come here and answer any questions people have, and that is something I dont like at all.
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  • #2
    It's the norm these days. Customer service is non-existant. Not much use getting upset about it or hoping it will change. Software companies NEVER give dates anymore...or they shouldn't if they know what's good for them...

    This way, what's in the patch will be a surprise! Like Christmas, or finding out the girl you are with used to be a gu...nevermind.


    • #3
      Sachmo71 one of the reasons I started this thread is to see if cant get someone over at Firaxis to come over here and at least say something on a more regular basis. If they would give us even just a little more info on Civ3 and its patchs that woulld be a much better improvement then what they are doing now.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • #4
        Something along the lines of: Hi, we're not dead. We still read the posts on these forums. Were trying our best to get the first patch out by November 30th. It will fix/consist of...

        That would be very nice.


        • #5
          A noble cause indeed. I sure would like to see that.


          • #6
            I think they're informing us enough. The AI guy was nice enough to give the community 3 hours of his time to answer questions in a dev chat not long ago, and other Firaxians visited during that time too.


            • #7
              Originally posted by sachmo71
              This way, what's in the patch will be a surprise! Like Christmas, or finding out the girl you are with used to be a gu...nevermind.
              Boy Sachmo... and I thought California was weird. Remind me never to date a girl from Texas! :-)
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #8
                Infogrames is also one of the reasons why little info is given out be firaxis. I have heard what they did to the guys in Germany who were trying to translate the parts of the English version of the game into german. This goes to show you Infogrames does not know how to handle public relations very well. I can see why they want to stop those people form translating the English version, but since they have treated people badly before this whole thing hapened it just made everything worse for them.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • #9
                  I think Firaxis isn't supposed to do any PR.
                  Infogrames is supposed to do (someone tell them plz)

                  official stuff like "MP will be out then and then" or "we'll add more scenario stuff in the patch" is decided by infogrames, and if Firaxis uncovers anything they're busy on........ they'll get into a conflict with infogrames.

                  I'm sure Firaxis wishes they could be more open to us.
                  But they can't

                  Dan, I support you and your team !
                  If you need an ear to talk to....uh, you can email me
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • #10
                    I wish they would talk to us, and answer some of our questions with something more than a unanbiguos answer We want details
                    I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.

