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Beating the game on MONARCHY

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  • Beating the game on MONARCHY

    I have seen lots of poasts complaining about how hard monarchy is, so here is how i beat it.

    I played EGYPT b/c they are very strong rushers. Their special unit is a half price horseman (reallly good), plus they are industrial so they build starting mines and roads to nme/horses fast!

    btw this is how you rush with egypt:
    - make sure you have auto save on. if you are in desert or forrets restart.
    - research wheel and scout map for horses and nme. take note of their position and load the auto save at 4000BC. if there are no horses within about 15 tiles of your start, restart and get a new map.
    - drop your city right away.
    - research the WHEEL.
    - build 2 MINES on the most productive tiles around your city
    - start building roads to the horses.
    - make another worker so that he finishes right as pop hits 2.
    - build a road to and enemy you wish to rush (not a team with IMPI/HOPLITE)
    - make a barraks after worker. (you have to get WARRIOR CODE by trading with another civ or in a hut. this is pretty easy becuz there are lots of millitary civs, and they like to trade between themselfs. if you cant get it by now put a temple in here instead. it makes you get betta trade deals early)
    - settler as pop hits 3
    - drop 2nd town by the horses OR make colony if horses are far away (get a city up by them tho so an ai dosnt takem over). drop 2 mines here also and make a barraks.
    - crank out chariots (NOTE: chariots CANT move over jungle or mountains without roads on them so make sure you have atleast 1 worker at the front. make a peace treaty and they will let you make roads in their territory ).
    - whenever your city is about to hit pop 3 make a setller and keep building chariots.
    - "rush the neighboring AIs when they have 3-6 cities, reduce them to 1-2 and force them to sue for peace at any price, hamstring them, then repeat process. Your empire can only grow at the AI's pace (especially at deity) when you use the AI as a "farm system" for growth.] "
    (quoted from random turns post at it is a thread worth checking out)
    - slow chariot production when you have 10-12 since they are FAST units they rarely die, just retreat to heal. never attack a city with less than 3/4 your chariots in the same turn. this way you dont just damage defenders and watch them heal.
    - dont build horsemen, they are the same as chariots (they can walk on jungles and mountains woho) but they cost the same amount .
    - you should be able to eliminate at least 2 civs this way (not at the same time, beat one first).

    after researching wheel set your science to 0%. Why you ask? because its hard to research faster than all the nme civs put together. just 'ransom' techs from the civs you are attacking in return for a peace treaty, which you will of course break next turn. you may have to use some of you extra gold to buy tech. this way you can always get a tech right when it comes out w/o having to worry about wasting your research time then having to buy it.

    once you have bought/stolen all the techs for a government type, put your science to 100% (you will be losing gold but you have loads since your science has been at 0%, and you have been selling stolen techs) and snag the governemnt before ne1 else. you can ususaly sell government techs for a ton. DO IT. drop it back to 0% when you are done.

    change to a REPUBLIC, you should have taken out 2 civs by now with your chariots. save your xtra charriots.

    build up city improvements and try to grabe a wonder if you can.
    make the forbidden palace right by your palace, then look at your cities. find the one thats closest to your conqured cities but is still getting AT LEAST 1/3 of its sheild production. grab a worker or 2 and mine around the town, make it build your palace. you may wish to repeat this with another city farther from your original palace (that now has forbidden palace by it so it isnt corrupted)

    wait and by tech till the ai gets near DEMOCRACY or GUN POWDER. flip your science to 100% and research them, then sell. drop it back to 0%. dont bothor buying misic navigation, or free artistry. note that it will save you ALOT of money in a little bit if you can get the wonder that reduces upgrade costs (leonardos i think, it comes with invention tech).

    wait for the AI to build chemistry, buy it then flip to 100%and research metalurgy and military tradition. DONT SELL THESE!!! once they get chemistry start cranking out knights. you should still have your spare chariots sitting around . btw make sure you are building units from cities with barraks.

    since your science is at 100 and you have lots of city improvements you should get military tradition WELL BEFORE the ais. the same turn upgrade all your knights and war chariots to cavalry (ctrl-u upgrads all of the selected unit that are in cities with barraks). set your research back to 0 since you will probably be low on gold. attack a strong civ near you. speed is essential because once they get nationalism and mutual protection pacts its hard to attack w/o starting world wars (which are BAD for you).

    change to MONARCHY. start producing full scale cavalry. you should knock out atleast 1 civ before nationalism comes around cuz ais will be screweing around with music, navigation and free artistry. if your playing on standard size maps, thats 3/6 nme gone. when there is only 1 left you ussualy have enough land to win by DOMINATION VICTORY. dont buy tech during your attack

    lets assume that they reach nationalism just as you finish off nme #3. If you have been producing veteran cavalry like you should have you will have a large enough army to take out another with cavalry. if he has a mutual protection pact with another ai, you need to pay the ai not in the alliance to declare war on both of them. hope that that ai starts fightying with one of them so u can deal with the other. send in your cavalry in LARGE groups. the nme have riflemen by now but it is possible to beat them with cavalry (you should have lots). if you have enough cavalry you can take 2-3 cities on the first turn of war. if you can pull off getting 3 negotiate peace for all his tech (you should not have been buying tech after you got military tradition, dont bothor getting music, navigation or shakspear) and hopefuly more cities. if he has communism make sure to get it. let your cavalry heal then repeat. when you negotiate peace the ai will send his army to fight the ai you are allied with. your allie may loose cities or lose all together, but thats just as good becuz then you can take them from the nme you are fighting now. since cities your enemy takes from your allie have no culture for him, they do not defect as much when you take them over. YAY only 2 nmes left. make peace with anyone you may have upset.try not to make them mad because they are getting close to REPLACEABLE PARTS which gives them superior defenders. it takes about 6-8 cavalry to kill an infantry barricaded in a town so you would have a hard time fighting even with your large cavalry army.

    buy all the tech you can get your hands on and research at 100% streight for tanks. dont screw around with air. you will probably run low on gold before you finish research, so when you cant go at 100% ne more lower it so you are getting about 50-100 gold a turn. DONT SELL YOUR TECH!!!! YOU DONT WANT TO HAVE TO FIGHT MECHANIZED INFANTRY!!!!. hopefuly the war you started when you first got cavalry will still be going only between the last 2 ais so they will fall behind in tech.

    research tanks asap and put them into production. go for mec infantry then build them too. note that conscripted mech infantries make VERY GOOD defenders until the nme gets tanks (which should not happen). by this point you should have an amazing economy and be able to make atleast 2 tanks/turn.

    you should have enough territory to win by domination after beating one, if not declare war right away and take a few outlying cities from the last nme.

    please only post substantive things in this thread. email thanks/commets to

  • #2
    whops, my email is really


    • #3
      Re: Beating the game on MONARCHY

      Originally posted by ulaw
      - research wheel and scout map for horses and nme. take note of their position and load the auto save at 4000BC.
      Don't you think thats kinda cheap?


      • #4
        Thnx, but I enjoy beating Monarch without cheating.


        • #5
          Hey Ulaw you forgot to add that if you lose a battle, keep loading the autosave again until you win.

          (This is why challenge games are bogus... you end up getting someone like this guy who you can't trust to play the game without cheating.)



          • #6
            Hey, if someone needs to win that much that they need to resort to cheating, well, more power to 'em i say. Just dont do that in tournaments or challenge games...

            Btw, if you come to rely on cheats, you will be ****ed once you try mp games - no reload
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              btw if u reload everytime u loose a battle the outcome is the same smart guy :P. if u wanna cheat like that u gotta wait turns after u reload, but thats no fun.


              • #8
                This could come in handy if you find yourself in a MP or challenge game and find yourself in this situation. It's good to see what sort of actions will help you in the beggining in different scenarios.

                ulaw if you can do this with different scenarios you could put together a pretty good game with random maps.
                What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"


                • #9
                  I always thought democracy was the best govt, but i am having a blast on monarchy with the aztecs. I have so many military units that I seem to need the extra cities to offset the expenses. Changing to democracy would generate extra income but would cost too much to support those units/the needed luxury to keep people happy, to make a change over worth it.

