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Granery question

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  • Granery question

    I've built a granery for a few of my towns and after a while a red icon appears next to it the improvements roster, what does this mean? I know that a red coin icon in the commerce is cuz you've built your town too far away from your capital etc etc, but what does the icon in the improvements roster mean?


    When creating new units, what do the numbers 0,0,1 etc mean?

    I tried searching for previous posts on this but i could'nt find any

  • #2
    attack, defense, and movement. that is what 0,0,1 is.

    not sure about red icon. might be maintenance charges. let me check.


    • #3

      red icon shows the maintenance. in my save game I had 1 icon for granary. granery has a maintenance cost of 1, and I had 2 icons for colliseum. that maintenance cost is 2.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dissident
        attack, defense, and movement. that is what 0,0,1 is.

        not sure about red icon. might be maintenance charges. let me check.
        Yes, the red icon is the maintenance of the improvement!

        It will even disappear after you built certain Wonders! For example: if you have a granary in a city, it will have one red icon next to it (one gold per turn of maintenance cost), but if you build the Pyramids, the red icon will disappear since the Pyramids cover the effect of the Granary!

        Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
        Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
        and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
        "Every day Mankind fights a battle against Nature, forgetting if winning, Mankind will be among the defeated!"


        • #5
          Originally posted by JayKay
          if you have a granary in a city,
          its funny to see that the non-native speakers usually have better spelling than native...LOL


          • #6
            okeydokey, thanks, that makes sense now

            Its strange because i always assume that the red icons are bad, down to in-effenciancy etc because the expenditure of food (ie, food icons that aree being consumed by populus show on the right of the food bar while excess shows on the left) is'nt red, its in the normal colour, but for some reason they choose to show other forms of expenditure in red. very confusing.


