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bring back the pop-up civ reports on research!! + my list of fixes

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  • bring back the pop-up civ reports on research!! + my list of fixes

    After I establish an embassy, I want pop-up boxes that tell me when a civ finishes researching a tech and when civs trade techs with each other, like in civ 2 and civ 1. Its so annoying having to talk to another civ just to check whether they have researched a new tech since the last time I talked to them.

    It would also be useful to be able to get a report on the civs like in civ 2, which shows all of their advances and highlights the ones that you dont have. They could even make the trade advisor or science advisor say what advances other civs have.

    The other main gripes I have are:
    - show "third" movements for troops moving on roads
    - have an option to ignore troop movement of civs you are at peace/allied with
    - have an option to animate computer vs computer battles
    - when nothing is in the build queue and the last unit you built was a unit, then build the same unit next time
    - be able to get civilopedia information for all the items in the list of things to build when in the city screen and when you right click
    - when you right click on a group of workers, in the text that pops up, write a description of what the worker is building
    - add an option to disable BACKGROUND music and leave on EVENT music. I love the civ music when talking to the other civs but I hate the constant background music. I'll have to find and delete the music files in the meantime

    Simple additions I would like to see:
    - add more random disasters. It makes the world more interesting.
    - A few more terrain types would be welcome, or give us the ability to do that through the editor.

    Civ 3 has a lot of potential. Once the bugs, balance, editor and annoying things are fixed I think it will be a better game than civ 2 and smac.


    Something I would like to add to my pop-up box argument is to pop-up a box when an AI civ takes over another AI civ's city and how (conquest/culture/whatever).

    I think Firaxis took out the pop-up boxes because on huge maps it can take ages for an AI to move, and people would prefer to do something else while they wait. Fair enough, but how about making them an option for people like us who like to be informed?
    Last edited by fanatic civver; November 21, 2001, 19:09.

  • #2
    I want to add one which bothers me a lot:

    When I right click on a stack and it shows a list of units, it should tell me which one has moved and which ones hasn't. Gets really annoying when I have 30 artillery, 15 infantry and 10 tanks in a stack and I don't even know how many I can still use this turn.


    • #3
      Hey, when you look at a stack of units you can see how much movementpoints are remaining for each unit. So your statement that you can't see which units have moved is incorrect.


      • #4
        >Hey, when you look at a stack of units you can see how
        >much movementpoints are remaining for each unit.

        I'll check that out when I get home However it would be much more useful if this information is put in that box in the bottom right hand corner. Note that in this box it does show how many movement points remain but not the thirds component (for when moving along roads).


        • #5
          A map grid would be nice too.


          • #6
            Sometimes, I wonder if people even read the manual. For the grid, press Ctrl-G.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Prlwofsky
              Hey, when you look at a stack of units you can see how much movementpoints are remaining for each unit. So your statement that you can't see which units have moved is incorrect.
              Huh, I suck. Thanks for the tip, it will help a lot


              • #8
                Just to make it clea here is an example:

                Spearman before moving
                Activate Regular (3/3) Spearman (1.2.1/1)

                Activate Regular (3/3) Spearman (1.2.0/1)

                Only one number has changed.

                (3/3) shows strength

                (1.2.1/1) shows attack.defence.movement


                • #9
                  Originally posted by FrantzX
                  Sometimes, I wonder if people even read the manual. For the grid, press Ctrl-G.

                  I did read the "Keyboard Shortcuts" part of the manual but for some reason I missed that command.

                  Thank you very much.


                  • #10
                    First post had lots of good suggestions, especially the build the last of whatever. Either that or the default should be wealth or we should be able to set it at wealth (if there is a way to do this, I honestly looked, so don't scream too much at me, but I would appreciate knowing how to do it


                    • #11
                      I did read the "Keyboard Shortcuts" part of the manual but for some reason I missed that command
                      never played civ2 I guess
                      The first thing I tried (ok, one of the first things) was control-g WITHOUT reading the manual
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • #12
                        I did play Civ2 a lot (always with map grid on ), but I used the menu in the top of the screen, I never used the shortcuts so I didn't notice them.
                        When I posted on this thread I actually hoped someone could tell me how to do it (if it could be done). I still don't get how I could miss it in the manual.

