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Pollution is insane!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bubba_B
    Somebody posted that a good way to control pollution is not to build any hospitals till after the discovery of ecology. This will allow you to build Mass Transits before your population boom. It worked well for pollution but the lack of extra citizens for tax collectors kept my funds low. Which in turn made for a smaller and less effective Army. It also seemed to control global warming which only popped up twice on me in the entire game (1977).

    The biggest pain is when your workers are out of things to do they go to the nearest city and sit. Then when pollution pops up you have to find and activate them again.
    Not only that, but unless you play with one other civ, how will that change anything? The AI will build hospitals and strive for his size 30 cities regardless, and then you'll be sitting there wondering why your lush grasslands are turning into deserts sooner then your workers can lay a railroad track.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheDarkside
      PS whats so realistic about random orange globule masses forming on a terrain making it totally unusable? I live near NYC- a city which should be bigger then my Civ3 25 size cities, and I don't remember waking up not being able to go to work 'cause some orange glob appeared over my company's building.
      Actually I have had several days where I could't get to work because of a giant orange glob where I work. It happens every Saturday in the Fall (during home football games!!!)

      University of Tennessee


      • #18
        Rofl apolex.


        • #19
          If there is pollution, SHIFT-P will send workers to auto-clean up. The only problem is that when all the pollution is cleaned, they 'stand-down' and you have to SHIFT-P when more pollution shows up.

          I can honestly say I had no problem with pollution, and I had at least 3 cities cranking out over 80 shields, and many cities around 50 shields. Mass-Transit, Recycling, and clean power plants are key. Then you just need about 8 workers for the occasional clean up.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apolex

            Actually I have had several days where I could't get to work because of a giant orange glob where I work. It happens every Saturday in the Fall (during home football games!!!)

            University of Tennessee

            But I don't think we're talking about the same kind of pollution!


            • #21
              Its in the Game...

              An Auto Worker Key for Clean Pollution Only would be nice.
              Yes it would. Activate any one of your workers and use the Shift+P combo, and all that fella will do is clean pollution....
              Question Authority.......with mime...


              • #22
                U got a point.....

                Yeah, your right.....

                I controlled about half the planet with early wars prior to the industrial age. Only 4 Civ's were left by that time. So AI pollution was not really a factor.

                So to control pollution, dominate the globe with a Greenpeace agenda to save future generations from global warming


                • #23
                  Re: Its in the Game...

                  Originally posted by wotan321

                  Yes it would. Activate any one of your workers and use the Shift+P combo, and all that fella will do is clean pollution....
                  *doh!* Thanks! Gawd I hate it when over and over and over again there's a hot key for something repetitive I want to do and I've missed it. *bangs head against wall* (Wait! There's a hot key for head banging!)


                  • #24
                    After having battled pollution for 100 turns or more I have decided in future I will only grow to size 12 in most cities.They are easier to keep happy and easier to keep celebrating.Only a few cities will get hospitols before mass transits.If you get caught in pollution purgatory before RRs are built..well you are always gonna be behind the mess.

                    I have cities producing a moderate amount of sheilds..say- 30-60.With mass trans,recycle centers and the odd solar palnt and still the pollution continues.I cannot get a +size 12 city clear of pollution icons.
                    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Black Superman
                      pollution out of controll? sounds realistic to me.

                      (actually I thought the pollution levels in Civ2 were kinda preachy)

                      check out this link for a nice animated gif showing world-wide pollution levels

                      Explanation: Where on Earth is the air most polluted? Recently released images from the Terra satellite show not only areas of high pollution, but also how polluted air moves. In the above image, locations of higher air pollution are shown in red. The pollutant tracked is carbon monoxide (CO) at a height of about 5 kilometers. Clearly, Earth's Northern Hemisphere shows much more CO than the south. The new data indicate, however, that pollution moves on a global scale. About half of all CO emission is of human origin, and much of this is created in large fires.
                      2% of all Greenhouse gases are man made. 6% of man made greenhouse gases come from cars. The gas that causes the greenhouse effect most is water vapour. The main producer of greenhouse gases in the world is volcanoes.

                      BTW, pollution isn't really that much of a problem. Once you have the mass transit system and recycling plant, then your polution probably won't go above 2 per city unless you build a coal plant (from my experience, with cities of sizes over 30). I have yet to experience global warming problems in 6 games, although I have had the first sun icon. I have had points where I am getting 4 or 5 polluted squares per turn though. Thankfully I indefinitely have a very large army of captured workers to clean it all up.
                      Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.


                      • #26
                        One of the most annoying things about pollution in the game (besides having to clean it up....I know, I know, shift-p), is that after it's cleaned up, your citizens don't go back to work on that square automatically. Consequently I have to constantly keep going back to the cities and reassigning everybody to the squares. No I don't like using that imbecile governor because he always ends up FUBARing the way I had my people working to begin with.

                        PS Darkside I'm still lauging about your orange globs around NYC image hehe.


                        • #27
                          Yes, pollution is insane. Especially since you can get such nice production out of it.

                          I would like at this point to shamelessly point out a bug I discovered four days ago.




                          • #28
                            a way to cancel pollutions effects is to goto the editor and then the terrain editing section of edit rules. each terrain has a type of terrain it will switch to cuz of global warming. just alter these and voila, no global warming damage. though i believe you will still have to clean pollution up, as it halts production on the terrain (and i think this is enough punishment to keep game balanced without "f"ing up your terrain). technically its cheating, but IMHO they made pollution a little too hardcore in this game...
                            DEVM SVM
                            I cant think of anything else intelligent...except, check out my alternate history page:
                            Roma Invicta


                            • #29
                              Factories & Coal Plants are NOT THE PROBLEM
                              IT'S THE POP.
                              EVERY POP POINT BEYOND 12 WILL GIVE POINT OF POLLTION (until you build a mass transit).

                              Maybe that could be toned down to 1 pollution point on 2 pop pounts?

                              Don't let cities grow to useless sizes, like 28 or similar.
                              Taxmen & scientist are pretty much useless (exept in high corrupt cities).

                              It is better to inverst in more production instead of pop & have 16-20 size cities with lots of production.

                              Polltution DOES NOT depend of PRODUCTION.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Deathray

                                2% of all Greenhouse gases are man made. 6% of man made greenhouse gases come from cars. The gas that causes the greenhouse effect most is water vapour. The main producer of greenhouse gases in the world is volcanoes.
                                True, perhaps, but that 2% can make a big short-term difference in a balanced ecosystem.

                                Take another complicated system, like, say, the US economy. If Alan Greenspan announced that interest rates set by the Fed would fluctuate by 2% annually, the economy would go batty. It would adapt, but it would be inefficient and some group of people would get screwed.

