The evil French declared war on me and in retaliation, I took the battle to their homeland. I loaded up a few ships with knights and longbowmen (a total of 6) and I attacked the city of Lyons. The battle went well, I lost a bowman, but took the city. My knights and bowmen were both pretty beat up, so I moved them into the city so they could rest up and continue the battle.
While I was waiting, the French retook the city because they had a higher culture. All my units that were in that city were gone when the city was lost. I guess its because they were stationed in the city, but still, that seems odd. Does that normally happen? It seems like they should be kicked out of the city or something. I understand how a city can be taken over by culture, but a city and 5 units (my whole pitiful army
)? That seems a bit much.
In a happier note, I later went back and retook the city, but once again lost it to culture, so I went back, and burned it to the ground.
While I was waiting, the French retook the city because they had a higher culture. All my units that were in that city were gone when the city was lost. I guess its because they were stationed in the city, but still, that seems odd. Does that normally happen? It seems like they should be kicked out of the city or something. I understand how a city can be taken over by culture, but a city and 5 units (my whole pitiful army

In a happier note, I later went back and retook the city, but once again lost it to culture, so I went back, and burned it to the ground.
