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Noobie needs advice!

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  • Noobie needs advice!


    I'm totlly new to the Civ world and i've just bought Civ 3. I was wondering if people would recommend me doing the tutorial first or will i be able to pick stuff up fairly easily from just playing the game?


  • #2
    Go with the tutorial. The tutorial actually sets up a regular 8-civ game on Chieftain (easiest) level. It just gives you some advice on what to do (like what's a good place for a city, what to do with your worker units etc.); it's not a simplified or dumbed-down version of the real game, it's the real thing with training wheels.


    • #3
      ok thanks!

      btw whats a 8-civ game? i don't know any of the terminology


      • #4
        You and seven competing AI opponents.

        A word of advice- read the Manual, and pay attention to the Civilopedia before you ask questions, or the regulars here will thrash you. Good luck.


        • #5
          mmm ok thanks for the tip

          I'm reading through it now but its just bloody massive!

          are the regulars a bit anal then?


          • #6
            I haven't been here for that long, but I'd guess this is much like any other game forum; people are, in general, helpful, but if lots of people barge in asking questions that are clearly answered in the manual or in-game help (civilopedia), it gets very irritating.


            • #7
              agreed and understood

              I know the feeling, i'm a regular at other forums and the same damn thing happens - only its worse cuz the manuals for those games are a few pages big and theres really no-excuse for not reading them.




              • #8
                A word of advice- read the Manual, and pay attention to the Civilopedia before you ask questions, or the regulars here will thrash you. Good luck
                nah, I don't think apolyton regulars will trash people for asking simple questions. But it's good indeed to read the manual ! For most games it's not important, but the civ-manual is a must-have-read !

                When you have questions / remarks, be sure to check if the topic is already covered somewhere in the forums.
                The regulars might trash you when you start a new topic for an old question

                have fun gaming !
                civ rocks !
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TelexStar

                  are the regulars a bit anal then?
                  Pardon, but I don't consider myself "anal". Take this as a warning from a regular.
                  "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                  • #10

                    You might want to check out this thread:

                    It is a list of commonly missed interface tricks. If you closely read the manual, including the stuff way in the back, most of the tricks in there will be known to you. It's still a good thread to check, just in case.



                    • #11
                      There are plenty of great people here. I'm just a bit taken aback at the snotty attitude of a few of the posters. For crying out loud, it's just a game. From some of the posts I've seen, you'd think this was a religious forum, debating scriptures or something!

                      You know who you are! Lighten up!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mrbilll
                        From some of the posts I've seen, you'd think this was a religious forum, debating scriptures or something!
                        Blasphemer!!! Heretic!!!

                        That's it, now you've done it. Ok regulars... let's have at him.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mrbilll
                          ... For crying out loud, it's just a game. From some of the posts I've seen, you'd think this was a religious forum, debating scriptures or something!
                          But it's a GREAT game, and for many it consumes many more hours and attention than religion or spirituality!

                          And it is all colored by the different ways individuals play and view the game. Often something seemingly doesn't work at all to some players and they get all upset about it, while others do things differently and the 'something' works just fine. It's a matter of adjusting, breaking out of our old molds.

                          Since I've bought the game, it has been the best 3 weeks I've had in years!
                          (Yah, I know -- "Get a life.")


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rasbelin

                            Pardon, but I don't consider myself "anal". Take this as a warning from a regular.
                            LOL warning taken

                            mmm, i'm not sure if i've done the right thing here, Within the first half hour of playing i'm already at war with Egypt, well they started advancing towards me and now their influences covers a large section of land with the dyes luxury that i want to keep my citezins happy - DOH! now i've done it. Was this a bad move?


                            • #15
                              I'm anal about the spelling of the word (fake word) Newbie.

