Highly placed officials in French Intelligence Agency have reported that the massive mobilization of tank and mechanized infantry battalions is in response to the imminent danger posed to the Chinese civilization.
The Chinese, with whom the French have shared a border that has fluctuated only rarely since the dawn of civilization, are on the verge of being run over by a rampaging Aztec force consisting of a reputed 80 or so tank battalions and surprisingly scores of archers and other long outdated military traditions. Also to be included is 4 combined armies of unknown composition. The dozen or so remaining Chinese cities are defended by a meager 21 Infantry battalions and a handful of antiquated units. One Chinese city is reported to of been bombed with such fierce regularity that the entire countryside around the city has been returned to a state of feral wildness.
Saint Joan d'Arc was most impressed with the Chairman Mao's dignity and self-assurance in the face of the imminent doom that was rolling and thundering in systemic conquest of his people. A Right of Passage agreement has been signed between France and China, with the hope that France will somehow find a way to stem the tide. The Chairman's proposition of a Mutual Protection Treaty was regrettably turned down in a desire to keep France from being embroiled in the multiple wars that China was engaged in. A promise was made of that such an alliance would be possible at some point in the near future, but France had to prepare for that. Specifics of the preparations have not been divulged to this reporter.
Every available French battalion has been stationed outside of the Chinese cities of: Xinjian, Hangchow, Canton, the capital of Beijing, Tientsin, Shanghai, Tatung, Tsingtao, Anyang, and Ningpo. French battalions are enroute to the Chinese city of Richmond (believed to of been a city of now dead civilization of England). The largest of all Chinese cities, Nanking, was strangely empty of French forces. A Chinese delegation has been sent to Paris to inquire to the French plan but the Chinese and the French press have all been told that the Saint is skiing in the mountains of Orleans and will be unavailable for comment.
Later in 1776
Shortly after returning from her ski trip, the Saint Joan d'Arc, informed that strategically the situation for China in its present form was untenable. The only way, contended the Saint, to keep China alive is incorporate China's smaller cities into France, along with the capital Beijing. Nanking was designated to remain in Chinese hands and become the epicenter of Chinese culture. In response to a barrage by the Press about the decision to take the Chinese capital, the Saint admitted that Beijing was very powerful culturally speaking largely in thanks to the Hanging Gardens (now a tourist attraction). One reporter accused the Saint of collecting the wonders of world, but she flatly denied that.
The Chinese delegation were furious and had rather long and unflattering things to say about the French head of state, before storming back to their train to return to China.
A German representative said there was no way Germany were ever sign a "Right of Passage" agreement with France now. The French House Majority Leader was overheard saying "Not that what the Germans think matters much since they will soon be citizens of the Aztec Communist State."
The Aztec Representative at the UN defended her countries actions claiming that the Aztec Communist Party merely desired to better these underdeveloped and bring them in the happy fold of the pro-worker Aztec community. She also condemned the French actions as duplicitous and typical the profiteering French. Mostly Saint Joan d'Arc is already counting the additional revenues France will earn from the tourism the Hanging Gardens will bring. The Aztec Representative also indicate that any Chinese citizen or city that would like to avoid the rapacious French are welcome to join the Aztec civilization. When questioned as to whether this meant the already furious Aztecs would declare war on France, she declined saying that such has been ordained but is not yet the time.
The French Stock Market took the news in stride saying that the Aztecs benefit from several key luxuries that France provides them and that the Aztecs themselves have provided no impactable stimulus on the economy of the French. One analyst was quoted saying, "War with France clearly doesn't benefit such an economically backward nation."
French forces have taken the cities of: Xinjian, Hangchow, Canton, the capital of Beijing, Tientsin, Shanghai, Tatung, and Anyang. The defenders at Tsingtao and Ningpo provided to be too great for the French assaults and remained in Chinese hands. Some analysts speculate that those two cities were key to the French strategy as they are the most likely targets of Aztec aggression.
As the French prepare a desperate attack against Ningpo the Aztec force of tanks rolled in, stopping just short of Ningpo. The French attack was once more blunted by the stalwart Chinese defenders.
De Gaul, a French hero from one of the battles around Tsingtao, stopped in Nanking on his way to Paris to complete "The Manhatten Project." In a closed session with Chairman Mao, the French and Chinese came to agreement.
China turned over control of Tsingtao, Ningpo, and Richmond to the French forces. In return France pledged a mutual protection treaty with the Chinese and promise to defend the last bastion of Chinese nationalism, Nanking. The Aztec forces were seen pulling back in light of being diplomatically out-maneuvered.
Additionally France promised to quickly, at great expense, restore the instituations of culture in the newly acquired cities so that the Chinese there will remember their history. French Education authorities have indicated that all the occupied cities will teach both French and Chinese in the public school system.
Although Nanking is not a coastal city, being centrally located between the ocean and the gulf of India (first descovered by the ancient now dead Indian civilization) makes its lands vulnerable to bombardment from naval vessels on either side. In bold statement to the world of France's desire to protect Nanking, France pulled 20 or so battlions of Mechanized Infantry from garrison duty in the heartland of France to occupy all the vulnerable lands of Nanking.
Saint Joan d'Arc was quoted as saying "If we are to be pulled into this war we want everyone to know that they will have to attack France to do it and that we are committed to defending the noble Chinese civilization from extinction. We don't want another Russia or America. Our peoples have grown powerful with the Chinese to the south of us and for much of our history we have traded innovations and luxuries to the benefit of both societies. In fact it was the Chinese contributions of coal that first helped France establish its now legendary railways. China will always be in the heart of France and we will always defend her as if she were one of us."
Noticably absent from the celebrations was Chairman Mao. One anonymous diplomat was quoted saying, "The only that Chairman Mao hates more than the French is everyone else. I think in time the Chinese and the French will become accustomed to the unorthodox arrangement and we will all share a bright future, despite Aztec aggression."
Highly placed officials in French Intelligence Agency have reported that the massive mobilization of tank and mechanized infantry battalions is in response to the imminent danger posed to the Chinese civilization.
The Chinese, with whom the French have shared a border that has fluctuated only rarely since the dawn of civilization, are on the verge of being run over by a rampaging Aztec force consisting of a reputed 80 or so tank battalions and surprisingly scores of archers and other long outdated military traditions. Also to be included is 4 combined armies of unknown composition. The dozen or so remaining Chinese cities are defended by a meager 21 Infantry battalions and a handful of antiquated units. One Chinese city is reported to of been bombed with such fierce regularity that the entire countryside around the city has been returned to a state of feral wildness.
Saint Joan d'Arc was most impressed with the Chairman Mao's dignity and self-assurance in the face of the imminent doom that was rolling and thundering in systemic conquest of his people. A Right of Passage agreement has been signed between France and China, with the hope that France will somehow find a way to stem the tide. The Chairman's proposition of a Mutual Protection Treaty was regrettably turned down in a desire to keep France from being embroiled in the multiple wars that China was engaged in. A promise was made of that such an alliance would be possible at some point in the near future, but France had to prepare for that. Specifics of the preparations have not been divulged to this reporter.
Every available French battalion has been stationed outside of the Chinese cities of: Xinjian, Hangchow, Canton, the capital of Beijing, Tientsin, Shanghai, Tatung, Tsingtao, Anyang, and Ningpo. French battalions are enroute to the Chinese city of Richmond (believed to of been a city of now dead civilization of England). The largest of all Chinese cities, Nanking, was strangely empty of French forces. A Chinese delegation has been sent to Paris to inquire to the French plan but the Chinese and the French press have all been told that the Saint is skiing in the mountains of Orleans and will be unavailable for comment.
Later in 1776
Shortly after returning from her ski trip, the Saint Joan d'Arc, informed that strategically the situation for China in its present form was untenable. The only way, contended the Saint, to keep China alive is incorporate China's smaller cities into France, along with the capital Beijing. Nanking was designated to remain in Chinese hands and become the epicenter of Chinese culture. In response to a barrage by the Press about the decision to take the Chinese capital, the Saint admitted that Beijing was very powerful culturally speaking largely in thanks to the Hanging Gardens (now a tourist attraction). One reporter accused the Saint of collecting the wonders of world, but she flatly denied that.
The Chinese delegation were furious and had rather long and unflattering things to say about the French head of state, before storming back to their train to return to China.
A German representative said there was no way Germany were ever sign a "Right of Passage" agreement with France now. The French House Majority Leader was overheard saying "Not that what the Germans think matters much since they will soon be citizens of the Aztec Communist State."
The Aztec Representative at the UN defended her countries actions claiming that the Aztec Communist Party merely desired to better these underdeveloped and bring them in the happy fold of the pro-worker Aztec community. She also condemned the French actions as duplicitous and typical the profiteering French. Mostly Saint Joan d'Arc is already counting the additional revenues France will earn from the tourism the Hanging Gardens will bring. The Aztec Representative also indicate that any Chinese citizen or city that would like to avoid the rapacious French are welcome to join the Aztec civilization. When questioned as to whether this meant the already furious Aztecs would declare war on France, she declined saying that such has been ordained but is not yet the time.
The French Stock Market took the news in stride saying that the Aztecs benefit from several key luxuries that France provides them and that the Aztecs themselves have provided no impactable stimulus on the economy of the French. One analyst was quoted saying, "War with France clearly doesn't benefit such an economically backward nation."
French forces have taken the cities of: Xinjian, Hangchow, Canton, the capital of Beijing, Tientsin, Shanghai, Tatung, and Anyang. The defenders at Tsingtao and Ningpo provided to be too great for the French assaults and remained in Chinese hands. Some analysts speculate that those two cities were key to the French strategy as they are the most likely targets of Aztec aggression.
As the French prepare a desperate attack against Ningpo the Aztec force of tanks rolled in, stopping just short of Ningpo. The French attack was once more blunted by the stalwart Chinese defenders.
De Gaul, a French hero from one of the battles around Tsingtao, stopped in Nanking on his way to Paris to complete "The Manhatten Project." In a closed session with Chairman Mao, the French and Chinese came to agreement.
China turned over control of Tsingtao, Ningpo, and Richmond to the French forces. In return France pledged a mutual protection treaty with the Chinese and promise to defend the last bastion of Chinese nationalism, Nanking. The Aztec forces were seen pulling back in light of being diplomatically out-maneuvered.
Additionally France promised to quickly, at great expense, restore the instituations of culture in the newly acquired cities so that the Chinese there will remember their history. French Education authorities have indicated that all the occupied cities will teach both French and Chinese in the public school system.
Although Nanking is not a coastal city, being centrally located between the ocean and the gulf of India (first descovered by the ancient now dead Indian civilization) makes its lands vulnerable to bombardment from naval vessels on either side. In bold statement to the world of France's desire to protect Nanking, France pulled 20 or so battlions of Mechanized Infantry from garrison duty in the heartland of France to occupy all the vulnerable lands of Nanking.
Saint Joan d'Arc was quoted as saying "If we are to be pulled into this war we want everyone to know that they will have to attack France to do it and that we are committed to defending the noble Chinese civilization from extinction. We don't want another Russia or America. Our peoples have grown powerful with the Chinese to the south of us and for much of our history we have traded innovations and luxuries to the benefit of both societies. In fact it was the Chinese contributions of coal that first helped France establish its now legendary railways. China will always be in the heart of France and we will always defend her as if she were one of us."
Noticably absent from the celebrations was Chairman Mao. One anonymous diplomat was quoted saying, "The only that Chairman Mao hates more than the French is everyone else. I think in time the Chinese and the French will become accustomed to the unorthodox arrangement and we will all share a bright future, despite Aztec aggression."