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Cultural Victory...In THIRD Place....!

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  • Cultural Victory...In THIRD Place....!

    I was playing as the Persians on Chieftain (Dont laugh) and I was in third place. My neighbors the French and the Egyptians far to the south had MUCH higher scores than me. I did seem to be SLIGHTLY more advanced than the French...not really sure about Egypt's technology. I also had built every Wonder but one.

    All of a sudden, with no warning, this box pops up saying "You Have Won a Cultural Victory!"

    WTF! I'll take a win here and it's cool to win in a new way but sheesh! I wasn't really winning IMO...

  • #2
    You pretty much answered your own question there. You built almost every wonder around, and the wonders all produce culture each turn. Together, they'll produce a MASSIVE amount of culture.

    As for the overall score, culture is just one part of it. If the Egyptians have a huge empire, they'll be ahead of you simply because you get points for population. Just last night, I won a Space Race victory, but only finished third in overall score because my empire was the smallest surviving one in the end.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kekkonen
      You pretty much answered your own question there. You built almost every wonder around, and the wonders all produce culture each turn. Together, they'll produce a MASSIVE amount of culture.

      As for the overall score, culture is just one part of it. If the Egyptians have a huge empire, they'll be ahead of you simply because you get points for population. Just last night, I won a Space Race victory, but only finished third in overall score because my empire was the smallest surviving one in the end.
      So I guess the thing to remember is that the score is only worthwhile for Rank victories and other than that should be ignored...


      • #4
        Rank victories AND BOASTING. Don't forget that.


        • #5
          go to cultural advisor screen

          if your total cultural output reaches 100,000 (with at least twice the lead over the next runner up) or your best city has a cultural output of over 20,000 you win.

