Originally posted by bahoo
I wouldn't have bought it, had there been a DISCLAIMER on the box that said the following:
Warning, this is the beta version, do not buy if you want a fully functional game.
Warning, in spite of this being the beta version, and you paying good money, we won't even give you the satisfaction of giving you a date when we will Patch it so you can actually play the game the way it's supposed to.
Warning, in later phases of the game, regardless of how powerful your computer is, expect to spend 2+ minutes per computer turn.
Warning, this is repackaged Civ2 except we took out the cool wonder movies (because "no on watches them anyway", translatated as "they're too expensive and time consuming to make"), fundamentalism and added a few features, like airplane stuff, that doesn't work.
Warning, you won't be allowed to make simple decisions for your civilization because wise city governors will be making them, example; build swordsmen during the modern age.
Warning, you're cities may up and overthrow you because your neighbors have a church, and there is nothing the mass of gun-toting soldiers in the city can do about it.
Put those on the package when you ship it, and maybe we wouldn't be here complaining after having already bought the game.
I wouldn't have bought it, had there been a DISCLAIMER on the box that said the following:
Warning, this is the beta version, do not buy if you want a fully functional game.
Warning, in spite of this being the beta version, and you paying good money, we won't even give you the satisfaction of giving you a date when we will Patch it so you can actually play the game the way it's supposed to.
Warning, in later phases of the game, regardless of how powerful your computer is, expect to spend 2+ minutes per computer turn.
Warning, this is repackaged Civ2 except we took out the cool wonder movies (because "no on watches them anyway", translatated as "they're too expensive and time consuming to make"), fundamentalism and added a few features, like airplane stuff, that doesn't work.
Warning, you won't be allowed to make simple decisions for your civilization because wise city governors will be making them, example; build swordsmen during the modern age.
Warning, you're cities may up and overthrow you because your neighbors have a church, and there is nothing the mass of gun-toting soldiers in the city can do about it.
Put those on the package when you ship it, and maybe we wouldn't be here complaining after having already bought the game.
Lets start with the Beta Version argument. I'm sorry to say its not a Beta version, because the game is fully functional. It may not do everything YOU want it to do, but you can't blame that on functionality..
About the patch thing, why should they tell us EXACTLY when the patch is supposed to be out. Wouldn't that cause the same problem as a rushed game, because they committed to a date. I can see it now, 100+ threads whining how the patch is a beta patch. Give me a break..
2+ minutes per turn? Sure it does. When is the last time you played a turn based BOARD GAME with 8-16 people. I'm sure it took a half hour before you got your next turn. So a computer takes 2 minutes, I say thats pretty darn fast. For what its worth, I played a game with 16 civs and it took only a minute between turns in the latter stages, and my laptop is about average.. The point is, there are probably over 100,000 different PC configurations at players homes, so the game is bound to go slower on some machines.
Civ II repackaging? You must me nuts. I've played CIV II, and CIV III is much much different, CIV 3 reminds me more of SMAC than it does CIV II
Governor problems? No one ever said you must use a governor. Cities only build older models when they don't have access to the newer resources. If my city trys to build a swordsman in the modern times, I simply switch it..
Culture.. You can have plenty of gun toting soldiers but if a city is near civil disorder, it can overthrow the government and defect. Thats a new part of the game that you'll have to deal with...
So you see, all your little warnings really make no sense, once you really think about them...
