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multi-player coding found?

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  • multi-player coding found?

    Let me appologize in advance if this has already been brought up, but I recently found some strings of coding that are different than the ones that were brought up a while back that talked about inserting the alpha centauri cd.

    Here's what I found

    ; Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
    ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.

    #xs 320
    #caption LOADING ERROR
    Unable to find file $FILENAME0.

    #xs 320
    #caption WARNING
    ^^$FILENAME0 already exists. Overwrite?

    #xs 320
    #caption Set password?


    #xs 320
    #caption Enter session password

    #xs 320
    #caption Host Multiplayer Game
    Enter game name:
    Enter your name:
    ##Optional password:

    #xs 320
    #caption Join Multiplayer Game
    Enter your name:

    #xs 320
    #caption NOTICE
    ^^Game name required. Please try again.

    #xs 320
    #caption NOTICE
    ^^Player name required. Please try again.

    #xs 200
    #caption Create Multiplayer Game
    ^^Choose number of players allowed

    #xs 320
    #caption NOTICE
    ^^Password protection has been set.

    #xs 320
    #caption Game Not Found
    #button Try Again
    No game was found.

    #xs 440
    #caption Pick Game to Join
    #button Refresh

    #xs 320
    #caption Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
    #button Retry
    The CIVILIZATION III CD-ROM was not detected. Some game features
    will not function without the CD in the drive unless you have
    performed a "Complete Install".

    #xs 320
    #caption Host or Join Session
    Would you like to host a new game or join an existing one?


    #xs 320
    #caption MultiPlayer Setup
    Select a service...


    #xs 320
    #caption DirectDraw Error
    #button Install DirectX
    We have encountered a problem with the DirectDraw configuration
    on your machine. The following error was returned: $SOMEERROR0. The game requires
    proper installation of DirectX, version 5 or later. If you would like to try
    installing or reinstalling DirectX, please be sure the game CD-ROM is in your drive, and
    press "Install DirectX" below.

    #xs 320
    #caption DirectPlay Error
    #button Install DirectX
    We have encountered a problem with the DirectPlay configuration
    on your machine. The following error was returned: $SOMEERROR0. The game requires
    proper installation of DirectX, version 5 or later. If you would like to try
    installing or reinstalling DirectX, please be sure the game CD-ROM is in your drive, and
    press "Install DirectX" below.

    #xs 320
    #caption Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
    #button Retry
    The Alpha Centauri CD-ROM was not detected. Some game features
    will not function without the CD in the drive.

    #xs 320
    #caption Version Incompatibility
    A player has attempted to connect with a newer and incompatible version of the game. You may upgrade your
    version at $LINK<>.

    #xs 320
    #caption Version Incompatibility
    Sorry, but the host's version of the game ($HOSTVERSION0) is newer than your version ($CLIENTVERSION1). You may upgrade
    your version at $LINK<>.

    #xs 320
    #caption Version Incompatibility
    Sorry, but the host's version of the game is older than your version and incompatible. In order to connect, this
    session's host will need to upgrade the game.

    #xs 320
    #caption Guaranteed Message Failure
    #button Retry
    #button Continue Game Solo
    #button Quit Game
    An attempt to send a message to $PLAYERNAME0 has failed.

    #xs 320
    #caption WARNING
    The filename you have requested contains illegal characters. Please try again.

    #xs 440
    A message has failed to be transmitted to the following players: $PLAYERNAMES0.
    This may be a temporary condition, but it could also indicate that
    the network connection has been permanently lost.
    How would you like this error to be handled?

    Try again for 20 seconds.
    Drop from session but continue the game solo.
    Exit game.
    Skip this message (potentially fatal).

    #xs 440
    Host $PLAYERNAME0 is not responding. This may be a temporary
    condition, but it could also indicate the network connection has been
    permanently lost. You may (a) attempt to reestablish the connection
    (b) drop the host and continue without him, (c) drop him and save the
    game to finish in a new session.

    Drop host and become host.
    Don't drop host.
    Don't drop host, and adjust tolerance.

    #xs 440
    Player $PLAYERNAME0 is not responding. This may be a temporary
    condition, but it could also indicate the network connection has been
    permanently lost. You may (a) attempt to reestablish the connection,
    (b) drop the player and continue without him, or (c) drop him and
    save the game to finish in a new session.

    Drop $PLAYERNAME0.
    Don't drop $PLAYERNAME0.
    Don't drop $PLAYERNAME0, and adjust tolerance.

    #xs 320
    Host $PLAYERNAME0 and the potential next host, $PLAYERNAME1, are not responding.
    This may be a temporary condition, but it could also indicate the
    network connection has been permanently lost.

    End net game.
    Continue attempting to play.
    Continue attempting to play, and adjust tolerance.

    #xs 320
    Select desired drop tolerance.

    5 seconds
    10 seconds (Default)
    20 seconds
    30 seconds

    #xs 320
    #caption CPU NOT SUPPORTED
    #button PLAY ANYWAY
    Your cpu is not supported. You may attempt to play the game anyway; however, crashes are possible.

    # ; This line must remain at end of file

  • #2
    perhaps alexander or someone can jimmy-rig something up using this.


    • #3
      bump! people, this is important!

      MP rulez! Huumans are much more insidious than any AI could ever be!


      • #4
        Re: multi-player coding found?

        Originally posted by monkspider
        Let me appologize in advance if this has already been brought up, but I recently found some strings of coding that are different than the ones that were brought up a while back that talked about inserting the alpha centauri cd.

        Here's what I found

        ; Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
        ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.

        #xs 320
        #caption LOADING ERROR
        Unable to find file $FILENAME0.

        #xs 320
        #caption WARNING
        ^^$FILENAME0 already exists. Overwrite?

        #xs 320
        #caption Set password?


        #xs 320
        #caption Enter session password

        #xs 320
        #caption Host Multiplayer Game
        Enter game name:
        Enter your name:
        ##Optional password:

        #xs 320
        #caption Join Multiplayer Game
        Enter your name:

        #xs 320
        #caption NOTICE
        ^^Game name required. Please try again.

        #xs 320
        #caption NOTICE
        ^^Player name required. Please try again.

        #xs 200
        #caption Create Multiplayer Game
        ^^Choose number of players allowed

        #xs 320
        #caption NOTICE
        ^^Password protection has been set.

        #xs 320
        #caption Game Not Found
        #button Try Again
        No game was found.

        #xs 440
        #caption Pick Game to Join
        #button Refresh

        #xs 320
        #caption Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
        #button Retry
        The CIVILIZATION III CD-ROM was not detected. Some game features
        will not function without the CD in the drive unless you have
        performed a "Complete Install".

        #xs 320
        #caption Host or Join Session
        Would you like to host a new game or join an existing one?


        #xs 320
        #caption MultiPlayer Setup
        Select a service...

        FILE NAME

        #xs 320
        #caption DirectDraw Error
        #button Install DirectX
        We have encountered a problem with the DirectDraw configuration
        on your machine. The following error was returned: $SOMEERROR0. The game requires
        proper installation of DirectX, version 5 or later. If you would like to try
        installing or reinstalling DirectX, please be sure the game CD-ROM is in your drive, and
        press "Install DirectX" below.

        #xs 320
        #caption DirectPlay Error
        #button Install DirectX
        We have encountered a problem with the DirectPlay configuration
        on your machine. The following error was returned: $SOMEERROR0. The game requires
        proper installation of DirectX, version 5 or later. If you would like to try
        installing or reinstalling DirectX, please be sure the game CD-ROM is in your drive, and
        press "Install DirectX" below.

        #xs 320
        #caption Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
        #button Retry
        The Alpha Centauri CD-ROM was not detected. Some game features
        will not function without the CD in the drive.

        #xs 320
        #caption Version Incompatibility
        A player has attempted to connect with a newer and incompatible version of the game. You may upgrade your
        version at $LINK<>.

        #xs 320
        #caption Version Incompatibility
        Sorry, but the host's version of the game ($HOSTVERSION0) is newer than your version ($CLIENTVERSION1). You may upgrade
        your version at $LINK<>.

        #xs 320
        #caption Version Incompatibility
        Sorry, but the host's version of the game is older than your version and incompatible. In order to connect, this
        session's host will need to upgrade the game.

        #xs 320
        #caption Guaranteed Message Failure
        #button Retry
        #button Continue Game Solo
        #button Quit Game
        An attempt to send a message to $PLAYERNAME0 has failed.

        #xs 320
        #caption WARNING
        The filename you have requested contains illegal characters. Please try again.

        #xs 440
        A message has failed to be transmitted to the following players: $PLAYERNAMES0.
        This may be a temporary condition, but it could also indicate that
        the network connection has been permanently lost.
        How would you like this error to be handled?

        Try again for 20 seconds.
        Drop from session but continue the game solo.
        Exit game.
        Skip this message (potentially fatal).

        #xs 440
        #caption PLAYER NOT RESPONDING
        Host $PLAYERNAME0 is not responding. This may be a temporary
        condition, but it could also indicate the network connection has been
        permanently lost. You may (a) attempt to reestablish the connection
        (b) drop the host and continue without him, (c) drop him and save the
        game to finish in a new session.

        Drop host and become host.
        Don't drop host.
        Don't drop host, and adjust tolerance.

        #xs 440
        #caption PLAYER NOT RESPONDING
        Player $PLAYERNAME0 is not responding. This may be a temporary
        condition, but it could also indicate the network connection has been
        permanently lost. You may (a) attempt to reestablish the connection,
        (b) drop the player and continue without him, or (c) drop him and
        save the game to finish in a new session.

        Drop $PLAYERNAME0.
        Don't drop $PLAYERNAME0.
        Don't drop $PLAYERNAME0, and adjust tolerance.

        #xs 320
        #caption PLAYER NOT RESPONDING
        Host $PLAYERNAME0 and the potential next host, $PLAYERNAME1, are not responding.
        This may be a temporary condition, but it could also indicate the
        network connection has been permanently lost.

        End net game.
        Continue attempting to play.
        Continue attempting to play, and adjust tolerance.

        #xs 320
        #caption ADJUST DROP TOLERANCE
        Select desired drop tolerance.

        5 seconds
        10 seconds (Default)
        20 seconds
        30 seconds

        #xs 320
        #caption CPU NOT SUPPORTED
        #button PLAY ANYWAY
        Your cpu is not supported. You may attempt to play the game anyway; however, crashes are possible.

        # ; This line must remain at end of file
        Something tells me this is a hoax check out the line Where it says CDNOTFOUND, the text says the Alpha Centauri CD wasn't found...

        Otherwise what file was this in so I can check it out myself.


        • #5
          I stand corrected it's not a hoax, it's just the jackal.txt file that was noted when the game first game out a few weeks ago. Nothing has been rigged up yet and its been known for awhile.
          Sorry for doubting you monkspider..


          • #6
            Ah no problem, sorry for publishing old news.


            • #7
              Originally posted by monkspider
              Ah no problem, sorry for publishing old news.
              Poking around in all the files and directories are the only ways we'll learn how to improve this game on our own...


              • #8
                Okay, sorry if I make the same mistake twice, but here is something else I found interesting, in a file called "play the world"
                ; Play the world
                ; text strings for the main menu
                ; Created: D.E.

                MAIN MENU
                Get the Game of the Week
                Get the Game of the Day
                View Scores
                Your Current Score:

                Cannot find the Server or communications error.

                Bad username, please re-enter or create a new account.

                Password incorrect, please try again.

                Undefined error. Server returned something unexpected.

                # ; This line must remain at end of file

                It definitely seems that, if nothing else, Firaxis was trying to set up some decent mulitplayer functionality in Civ 3


                • #9
                  You know they had MP stuff like that included in 2.42 when it was out? It took them awhile to do something with "Multiplayer Hell" as they put it.

