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It's a small world...

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  • It's a small world...

    First, let me say that I have my game, I have my new PC, and together they are incredible!!!

    Okay, for my first question, ladies and gentlemen, when I start on a Tiny world and select "All Random" for the three (3) AI civs, why do I get seven (7) AI civs in reality??? While I don't mind the extra civs, I was kind of looking forward to some time to explore before I ran into my neighbors. Should I try selecting "None" on some of them and see what that gives? Has anybody else run into this?
    Frodo lives!

  • #2
    Have you downloaded any of the user mod-packs or anything? Some mod-pack creators have taken to editing the default setups... otherwise I'm not sure what the cause is..


    • #3
      Nope, just straight playing right out of the box. I'll see what happens tonight when I "None" a couple of them.
      Frodo lives!


      • #4
        Yes, i suppose you must choose none. Not sure... Never played with less than 7 AI's.

        About mods: After playing maybe 10 hours just try the Snoopy's mod. It's just a graphicall mod so game rules are left the same. It changes forests pics, hills pics,etc. It's awesome.

        Have fun.
        I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen


        • #5
          You mean the all random button at the bottom of the ai civ selection box right? After you click it, you should see that all the civs (all meaning the max civs for the map, which for tiny means 7) are set to random. If you want three random civs, you have to set three boxs to random and the rest to none.
          --He who laughs last is the dumbest person in the room--

