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Only 2 hours to go ...

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  • Only 2 hours to go ...

    .. or is it 3?

    1:30h and I can leave the office; 30 minutes to drive to the friend's home: he is back from Canada with THE game;10 minutes to be polite - say hello to his wife, kids,cat,.. ask about his trip,...; 20 more minutes to drive home and... to PLAY!!!!!

    hmm, well, install first, then to play.

    Choice: drive fast to be home asap, but with the risk of an accident . Imagine: an accident, 6 month hospital, unable to play... so close, but then so far...
    or drive carefull...but been home later...

    nervous... nervous... no accident... no accident... be carefull... nervous.

    I guess tonight it will be pizza, no bath, no phone call, no live... only the game and I
    The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.

  • #2
    well that was frightening

    have fun!
    Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum


    • #3
      This is how it should be with every new game you buy
      It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


      • #4
        Dry, get over yourself, it's not that good! (unfortunately )

