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I always thought that the resources were ok

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  • I always thought that the resources were ok

    I always thought that the people who have been complaining about the way the game deals out resources were off-base. Now I am not sure.

    I am playing on warlord diff, large map as the French. I started on what turned out to be the largest continent, I expanded very fast and have the largest area.

    I have two furs in my territory. No other luxuries. No horses,no big deal, no Iron...Ok rush to musketeers... No coal.... Now No rubber.

    I share the largest continent with the Germans that I have cornered into a relatively small area, they also do not have any other strategic resources in their territory that I don't already have ( salt peter).

    I had my best civ yet going with my total culture over 49000 by year 1750 and my capitol at almost 9000 culture.

    There is no point continuing this game as with no resources I have no hope of expanding further and acquiring what I need with nothing to trade and weak units....

    After spending quite a few hours on this game to have no decent resources or luxuries on the largest continent at all is not balanced game play at all....

  • #2
    Crap, thats alot of culture! Can you tell me your F11 demographics numbers? Just to compare, I am almost to your date in the game...

    I had alot of resources on my land, but I lack oil despite owning one of the three continents...oil should be on EVERY continent, like the real planet we live on...



    • #3
      what stats in particular?
      Iwas off by a few years it's actually 1792 and I am starting to fall behind now....


      • #4
        Originally posted by miloII
        what stats in particular?
        Iwas off by a few years it's actually 1792 and I am starting to fall behind now....
        Gimme em all!!



        • #5
          It's dissapointing to see how you stopped playing a game cause of that. It adds depth in the game, and there's so many ways around it.


          • #6
            well, to be fair, no coal, iron, OR oil would kinda suck.

            a lot.

            I mean, you could probably trade for it, but it's still ugly.



            • #7
              makes every game different. i had nothing but iron so far in my game...and i cannot make my cossacks. it will be interesting


              • #8
                trade for it, build up a military, then take over the source. that adds so much depth to the game.


                • #9
                  the resource system doesn't suck because you're playing a game right now in which you have hardly any resources.
                  Those things happen once in a while, deal with it. Become a trade-based civilization.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • #10
                    Wheel, deal, and steal Milo
                    The eagle soars and flies in peace and casts its shadow wide Across the land, across the seas, across the far-flung skies. The foolish think the eagle weak, and easy to bring to heel. The eagle's wings are silken, but its claws are made of steel. So be warned, you would-be hunters, attack it and you die, For the eagle stands for freedom, and that will always fly.

                    Darkness makes the sunlight so bright that our eyes blur with tears. Challenges remind us that we are capable of great things. Misery sharpens the edges of our joy. Life is hard. It is supposed to be.


                    • #11
                      Problem is when your more advanced than others you cant trade coz they cant get it so your stuck waiting for everyone to catch up.

                      Seems like they are punishing a player for being to good and getting more advanced than the other civs.
                      Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


                      • #12
                        as long as they don't know about rubber,
                        you can colonize the rubber all over the planet !

                        Use your knowledge to dominate the resources !
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • #13
                          Hmm, that's an interesting concept. I wonder if the AI is blind to strategic resources until it has the requisite technology (I'm sure that MPs would be). That would work to an advanced Civ's benefit, obviously. If you can see the oil and the AI can't, you might be able to wage a quick war and annex the territory from it rather cheaply. The AI would be scratching its virtual head wondering why you'd be interested in a small patch of desert, right up until it discovered refining. D'oh!


                          • #14
                            I am starting to dislike it as well

                            I started out loving the resources, and early in the game it works well. But, in the same game, here's what happened:

                            I have North America (using the medium earth map) and soon after discovering gunpowder I run out of the single salt peter resource. First I rushed workers to my allies in South America, building roads for them on their salt peter so I can trade it. I build the roads on 3 resources, and there's no option to trade it. I end up colonizing Hawaii to get saltpeter, no big deal.

                            Later, I have coal. Luckily I've already built a lot of railroad before that single source runs out. Now there's 3 other civilizations who have this resource and have it as an option to trade. I try ALL 3 of them and NOBODY will trade the resource with me. Now these are civilizations that I've been at peace at for millenia. There's never been bad blood, and I even try offering all the technologies I have, plus 50 gold per turn, and they still are insulted by the idea of trading coal! I don't even need coal for military units at this point, just railroads.

                            Soon after this annoyance I discover uranium. There are two deposits next to one of my biggest cities. After about 5 turns (give or take a turn, really) BOTH uranium resources run out in the same turn.

                            I can understand simulating overmining, sure. I can see how it forces you to colonize. No problem. Trade negotiations would be great. However, I'm playing on Cheiftain, and none of my allies will even consider trading any strategic resources that I somehow deplete in five years. I'm not even warned that I'm over mining, at least then I could try to preserve my resources.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Wrong_shui
                              Problem is when your more advanced than others you cant trade coz they cant get it so your stuck waiting for everyone to catch up.

                              Seems like they are punishing a player for being to good and getting more advanced than the other civs.
                              Well, no, see ... you have a commodity (tech) that you can now trade. Why wait for them to get there? Call 'em up, show 'em the tech, ask what they'll give you for it. Take the money, call next civ, etc. This has been very effective for me in the middle game, giving me tons and tons of money, which I naturally plow right back into science.

                              Just because a civ has a resource you don't doesn't mean they hold all the cards. Well, not always, at least.

