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Civ3's Longetivity

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  • Civ3's Longetivity

    Now that the novelty has kind of worn off, what do y'all think about the longetivity of civ3?
    I threw it in the trash and gave up on civ forever.
    I'm already playing civ2 again...
    It's okay. I'll play if for a while, then go back to civ2 like always...
    This is a truly great game, the equal of which has never been seen!
    "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

    "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."

  • #2
    I feel that Civ3 quite a bit better than Civ2 and moderately better than SMAC. I will stay on my harddrive for quite some time. Hopefully, with a patch or two most of my concerns about it will be rectified.
    "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
    "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


    • #3
      So many of you seem to have big demands on your hard-drives..."yeah, I think I'll keep it on my hard-drive for a while" OR "I don't this will be on my hard-drive for very long"...what are you doing with your hard-drives???

      If you are filling it with mp3s burn cds for them (thus if the computer dies etc) as with so many things...

      Either get a larger hard-disk, use the space better, have a cd write OR just sit back and marvel that you have so many games!


      • #4
        The proof will be in the pudding, but with work, Civ3 has the potential to be superior to Civ2.



        • #5
          It's kind of hard to say without knowing what's going to be included in the (unannounced, but inevitable) expansion pack. SMAC was, in itself, an excellent game, but SMACX added an extra dimension to it. Civ2 was a great game, and didn't need much added to it (luckily, because the expansions added multiplayer and scenario tools, but left the game fundamentally unchanged).

          One problem is that Civ3 is really high on the 'niggle factor'. There are lots of little things that get under your skin - information being difficult to locate; a less-transparent mechanism for things like unhappiness, trading and pollution; bombardments not being able to destroy units; the opacity of war-weariness; the inflexibility of production in regard to wonders; the lack of a decent scenario builder/editor; that I can't get my cities to tell me when they've finished a military unit; the way the endgame bogs down...

          None of these is enough to sink a game by itself, and the other games had niggles of their own, but taken together these mean that I'm far less likely to bung Civ3 into my CD drive to while away a couple of hours than I would otherwise. In short, the challenge of the game is in exploiting (or minimising the costs inherent in) the detail rather than in the broader game. That was the problem of both the games in the CtP series, and IMHO the reason that franchise never took off.

          I don't know where I'll stand on Civ3 for a few weeks yet, but as it stands at the moment I think I'll probably be back to SMACX until the expansion pack is out, and unless that offers something special I probably won't pick it up.

          I guess that this is a natural progression - the more complex the model, the harder it is to balance everything. Thank the gods that they never went with the Command Point structure I remember hearing about in the developmental days. Maybe it's just that there's a "best" level of complexity for these sorts of games. If so, I fear for MoO3.

          But then, never having tried to make a game like this, and lacking the much-promised Designers' Notes, I can't say why they made the decisions they did. It's just my A$0.03835 worth.


          • #6
            I hate these bull**** ppl who say 'with the proper work it COULD be better than civ2..."

            I HATE YOU ALL!!! GRRR
            how can u think that its not already 10x better than civ2!?!? it plainly is and youre just looking for things to complain about!
            And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


            • #7
              Originally posted by dainbramaged13
              I hate these bull**** ppl who say 'with the proper work it COULD be better than civ2..."
              And I hate fawning çocksucking lobotomites who would have been happy if the released game was a rebadged version of Windows Minesweeper.

              I HATE YOU ALL!!! GRRR
              how can u think that its not already 10x better than civ2!?!?
              Because it isn't? You know, I really liked "I Come In Peace", but I don't go ape**** when people say they don't like it...

              it plainly is and youre just looking for things to complain about!
              Not much for using your frontal lobes are you...



              • #8
                With all the bugs, I'm a bit sceptic, but I suppose the game will survive and beat Civ II. It will just require that EP and bug fixes. So therefore I voted on the last option.
                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                • #9
                  It's okay. I'll play if for a while, then go back to civ2 like always...
                  This is a truly great game, the equal of which has never been seen!
                  There is no vote between these 2???


                  • #10
                    what are you doing with your hard-drives
                    They are reformatting and reinstalling all over

                    Maybe there is stuff in this for a thread in the OT
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #11
                      Too early

                      It is still too early to judge - the game is STILL new (you know, getting reviews, catfights in Poly, maybe patches and/or expansions) so let's wait.
                      With the proper patches, expansions, scenarios and tools it could be a good game! As it is now, it is neither meat nor fish.
                      One thing keeps popping in my mind: will we like to play it MP or is it just a bigger version of minesweeper? ("play it by yourself to kill the time" thing). I mean, would you like to wage war, make diplomacy and develop technologically and culturally with other umans as you do against the AI, or will you look for some "shortcut" strategies to win, actually dumping much of the "flesh" of the game? I mean, civIII is more like an "hystory opera" than a 4X game (as MoO3 promise to be a "space opera" game. And I am loving the work they are doing at Quicksilver up to now).
                      The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


                      • #12
                        Poll: Too Few Poll Options?

                        I started out in "wait and see" mode, but the more I play the more I'm edging towards "short longevity CTP rehash"

                        How about this:

                        It could be great! Patch early and patch often!


                        • #13
                          Re: Too early

                          Originally posted by Yoleus
                          It is still too early to judge - the game is STILL new (you know, getting reviews, catfights in Poly, maybe patches and/or expansions) so let's wait.
                          100% agree. If nothing changes, I'll maybe play it 4 or 5 times. If they make the needed improvements, it'll waste as much of my life as Civ2 did...



                          • #14
                            i like civ3, sure there are some things that could be fixed and i'll toss it aside to play civ2 MP , but it has potential. add some scenario making tools, good MP and civ3 will live forever (or until civ4 comes out, whichever comes first)
                            Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                            • #15
                              Your poll choices remind me of the highly politicized answers the MSNBC and CNN web sites often limit their poll choices to. There is a significant gap between your third and fourth answers - you can really like the game without either declaring it an instant classic, OR deciding you'll be going back to CIV 2 soon.

