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MODERATORS: Repeated Complains - forum

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  • MODERATORS: Repeated Complains - forum

    Moderators (Markos, Ming ?)

    What if you guys create a "Repeated Complains" forum or something where you can move all threads to with people that repost the same old story. (ie. culture sucks, my 10 units were lost when a size 3 city revolted back to their old empire)

    I think these people can have their opinion,
    but all interesting threads drop to page 4 and 5 because every hour 2 or 3 threads pop up with the same content.

    I volunteer to move these threads if you're bored or too busy to keep this forum interested.

    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2
    I'd rather see repeated complaints about the game than repeated complaints about repeated complaints by the self appointed, anal retentive thread police.


    • #3
      Thread police culture sucks.


      • #4
        Stick it to the man RichM
        Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


        • #5
          Would repeated complaints about complainers go to this new forum or would they have a separate forum?

          That's sarcasm, BTW. I point it out since the self appointed police of every forum I have been on usually have a hard time recognizing it. Sarcasm off: why should your concept of an "interesting" thread be accorded more value that of someone else?
          I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.


          • #6
            Coz his culture is greater than ours and we are in awe

            BTW culture sucks
            Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


            • #7
              I'd rather see repeated complaints about the game than repeated complaints about repeated complaints
              Would repeated complaints about complainers go to this new forum or would they have a separate forum?
              the repeated complains about repeated complains would be gone in that case.

              why should your concept of an "interesting" thread be accorded more value that of someone else?
              Read the word 'repeated' twice.
              I'm not talking about something that's interesting to me.
              I would hate it if there would be 4 "Culture is great" threads as well. We used to have a policy overhere at Apolyton to not have 2 threads about the same topic.

              What happened to that policy ?
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • #8
                With the game just being released and all, there's just too many people who don't have time to read 5 pages of threads to see if their rant has already been said. It's just too much to ask. Really, there's not much that hasn't been said about this game, why should even post anything anymore? Live and let live.

