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Precision Strikes: is there a bug?

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  • Precision Strikes: is there a bug?

    For the first time in a game I had researched smart weapons. I was anxious to try them out, so I ordered my stealth bomber to perform a precision strike. The icon for ps was on the screen, but when I clicked on it and moved the cursor over an enemy city, all I got was a "no bomb" icon. In fact, the only time where I did get a bomb icon was when I put the cursor over my own city! I clicked and, sure enough, my stealth bomber destroyed my own barracks.

    I haven't been reading about a precision strikes bug, so I conclude that either (a) I'm doing something wrong or (b) I've missed all the threads about this bug.

    Can someone tell me if it's (a) or (b)?
    "Terminate, with extreme prejudice"

  • #2
    I've just recently asked a similar question. I'm told it's a bug and will need to be fixed in a patch. Currently, the human player can perform precision strikes on his own cities!

    See the thread at:

