Something that has made me quite angry is the units in civilization 3 are based on real life military units i.e. the Nuclear Submarine, cruise missile, icbm. But don't pack as much punch as there real life counter parts. I feel that if they are going to base the units in the game on real life ones then they should do the same. I heard something about cruise missiles not being able to go over water. Also the thing about submarines not being able to carry multiple missiles i mean everybody knows that nuclear subs can carry loads of missiles cruise or nukes. Another thing is the computer being able to spot your subs
If the civ team wasn't going to be accurate then why did they base the units on ones that exist. They could have made units up like in SMAC
If the civ team wasn't going to be accurate then why did they base the units on ones that exist. They could have made units up like in SMAC