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Broken Beyond Repair....:(

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  • #61
    ok, this thread is disapointing me now.

    Not less than an hour ago, I was on here posting how awsome it was to see a thread which WASN'T purely people who hated the game slamming everyone and everything, with people shooting back with more slamming and making everyone enjoy apolyton less. Instead, we had a thread that made light of all of the slamming going on! What wonder...

    Suddenly, this thread becomes nasty too.

    Please, people! Let's try to stay civil, shall we? Also, while we're at it, why don't we all try listining to what everyone else is saying? Also, not getting so angry, and trying to keep this to friendly discussion... somehow, I think we'd all be happier if it didn't feel like a civil war here. Personally, this is decreasing my enjoyment of apolyton, and that's sad.

    -- adaMada
    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


    • #62
      I haven't insulted you for liking or critisizing the game. My guess id that if Z did so it came from frustration at the way we are treated by Firaxis fundies.


      • #63
        Originally posted by adaMada
        Also, while we're at it, why don't we all try listining to what everyone else is saying? Also, not getting so angry
        That would have been nice. It may still be possible if the Firaxis fundies start behaving with a modicum of respect. I'm not holding my breath.


        • #64
          Originally posted by n.c.
          While not "vicious," your sarcasm is at best a gross mischaracterization of the detractor's points, and at worst it's a mean-spirited insult. Regardless it's anything but constuctive.

          I would have expected more from you.
          Don't be so high horse...I like the energy.


          • #65
            Originally posted by GP
            Don't be so high horse
            The high horse rode in with "oh let's not be vicious" right before a fairly harsh post.


            • #66
              n.c. it only hurts because like all good sarcasm, it has the ring of truth.


              • #67
                and I wasn't referring to your posts n.c. I already pointed that out.

                Anyways critisizing the game is a good thing. We need peole who say they will not buy the game until it is patched properly. This will motivate Firaxis to patch, and keep patching until it is right.

                I just don't like to be slammed on for having no problem with features of the game (combat probabilities) that others hate. This isn't producitve and won't motivate Firaxis to fix this questionable problem.

                As a person with very bad luck said. Can't we all just get along? You would think we all have the same purpose in mind. To get Firaxis to patch this game to make it the best possible game under the current game engine (which seems to be civ1). getting them to patch the game is the most important thing. Not this dickering. As with smac you seen how difficult it was to get them to keep patching the game after a certain number of times.

                so what I would like to see is a thread title: I will not buy this game until it is patched properly . I can't make it since I already own the game. Hopefully monetary reasons will be sufficient motivation.

                until then I will be playing civ3


                • #68
                  Yeah, HEY, lets build a strawman version of legitmate complaints about the game, gloss over substantive criticism and pretend the world is *really* flat. Good work, happy happy joy joy.

                  The game really does need some tweaking, though a few patches and an editor will hopefully fix most issues. Thats it. No "Gawd-this-is-the-best-ever" joygasms or "Ill-take-it-back-and-sue-firaxis" drivel.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Dissident
                    so what I would like to see is a thread title: I will not buy this game until it is patched properly .
                    Such threads are routinely slammed for being whining. However, I'm glad to see that you now are ready to join me in telling the Firaxis fundies that they are full of it.

                    yavoon- It didn't "hurt." My main problem with the initial post was that it was incorrect. After that I questioned whether it was constructive.

                    So, nice try, but you totally missed the mark. In the future you should read the post more carefully.


                    • #70
                      Hmmm....well brother n.c.....I *am* sorry if you took it as mean certainly was not meant to be.....was simply an attempt (and largely successful I think, based on the majority of the comments here) at poking some light hearted fun at the general viciousness on the board of late....specifically not at any individual.

                      In that (again, based on the bulk of the comments here), I think it succeeded.

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #71
                        you got it. I'm no Firaxis fundy. I just want to play civ3 and talk about it. And of course make sure Firaxis patches this game. If you let up on them, they won't fulfill their committments. Oh how easily everyone forgets SMAC.

                        But I can see where this thread came from. I grew very tired of that combat thread about losing units. And then this whole discussion on realism. I am personally fine with the combat system (as there is really no chance of changing it from the civ1 model without a separate game). But a long drawn out thread is not the answer. One thing that is ineteresting is lack of impact difficulty level has on combat. I say make chieftan level super easy so a tank never loses to anything . That way all the people who want to play a game solely to run over the world with a few tanks can do so, while I sit and play a game I like on more difficult levels.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Velociryx
                          at poking some light hearted fun at the general viciousness on the board of late
                          [emphasis added] Then why only poke fun at one side (the one being much less personally vicious)? Sorry, but I am not convinced. Not that you care (as you have clearly convinced yourself).

                          BTW, what whiner had the following to say?
                          Colonies suck

                          there should be fixes to reduce [corruption].... definitely make it LESS.

                          the *implementation* [of Palace Rush/Cultural Assimilation] is bad

                          Leaders/Armies should be more powerful than they are, or easier to get.


                          • #73
                            I do care, my friend. And I believe that you are taking this entire thread out of context.

                            I poked fun at only one side, because it was the side that seemed most prevelant here on the boards as I was browsing (admittedly, that was not a scientific determination....I didn't stop to count them or anything)

                            And yes, I have said (in the initial post, in fact) that there are valid concerns about the game. Comparisons with Civ2 are unavoidable, but there are people posting who sound an awful lot like the crux of their complaints are that the strategies they are comfortable with FROM Civ2 don't work anymore.

                            The things you quoted from me (sure, I'll take the title of Whiner for things that are weak points in the game)....the difference here is that Colonies and the implementation of culture have nothing to do with my Civ2 strategies, since they obviously didn't exist in Civ2).

                            No hard feelings tho....again, most folks simply took the thread for what it was, and had a good chuckle. Another of those fairly rare instances where we happen not to see eye to eye, that's all.

                            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Dissident
                              I grew very tired of that combat thread about losing units.
                              It's hard to resist the urge to get sarcastic here. Let me just say that there is alternative to reading threads. This kind of remark is little different than the more basic "shut up."

                              -"And then this whole discussion on realism."
                              People act like that is almost irrelevant to the game. The fact is realism is HUGE for some of us. Especially the really annoying unrealistic aspects (like caravels even being on the planet at the same time as nuke subs).

                              solely to run over the world with a few tanks can do so, while I sit and play a game I like on more difficult levels.
                              This is the kind of crap (sorry) that is so maddening. We do not want an easier game. Characterizing our position that way is insulting, intentional or not. We want a realistic game, which would involve tanks losing all the time- just not to units that should have stopped existing 200 years ago.

                              I appreciate your efforts and recognize that you are coming from a good place. Sorry if this is too harsh.


                              • #75
                                PostScript to the earlier comment:
                                You and I must be reading different threads then, old friend. Without naming any names, I can tell you that there are RAMPANT posts by some of the "Civ3-Sucks" crowd that have been downright evil in their name-calling.

                                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

