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Broken Beyond Repair....:(

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  • #46
    Hey, GP.... is it just me or does Zylka remind you of Bob Dornan.

    And both of them don't understand humor either!
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #47


      My two very small comments:
      1) I don't think player experience has much to do with this -- personally, I was a LOUSY Civ II player (not afraid to admit it ) -- I still agree w/ Vel, and like Civ 3 (assuming they do everything they say they will in the first patch, anyway...)
      2) I heard someone earlier in this thread say "This may suit your playing style, but..." I'd like to point out that a lot of these changes are there so that you can play in whatever style you want. This is also given to the AI. That means that, no matter how much YOU hate using culture (or like it), the AI may or may not play a very culture-based game -- if that makes your life miserable, then you'll just have to accept that as the AI's playing style (personally, I find this refreshing). I haven't played enough personally to be able to say if the AI ever really does this, but even then -- this is designed to make the game fun for everyone, not just those who like taking over the world (or are good at it ).

      Anyway, very good to Vel for posting this! It's getting to be a bore to visit Apolyton because I'm sure that, for every three good threads I read, there'll be at least twelve others where (at some point, anyway) SOMEONE will be comming on and just saying "I hate civ three, hate civ three, hate civ three" -- not making constructive suggestions, or asking Firaxis why they did something a certain way, but just complaining. To be honest, it's boring. Gotten old. Tired. Etc Etc Etc.

      Anyway, just my two-bits...

      -- adaMada
      Civ 3 Democracy Game:
      PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
      Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


      • #48
        Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
        Hey, GP.... is it just me or does Zylka remind you of Bob Dornan.

        And both of them don't understand humor either!
        No, I completely understand this is satire. Remember though, "Joe Schmoe I love civ3" rather accepts it and uses it as ammunition against critics. You sure are stupid for a lawyer.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Zylka

          You sure are stupid for a lawyer.
          Oops! I did it again


          • #50
            Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
            Hey, GP.... is it just me or does Zylka remind you of Bob Dornan.

            And both of them don't understand humor either!

            I have to disagree. They both make me laugh...


            • #51
              and this isnt' a builder game!!

              if you don't roll over your bordering ai civs early you are toast. And yes it can be done.

              In fact I wish it was more of a builder game. The builder is doomed in this game (except on chieftan and warlord). I get trapped in all the time by the ai despite near perfect settler production management and founding cities. I could only get 5 up my last game. So I fought my way out. I suppose with some good diplomacy I could have built a space ship with those 5 cities if I aquired the techs. But do like to have a lead and build many wonders.


              • #52
                That's because I R FUNNIE!~@?!#1@!~!


                • #53
                  I just think it's funny that people are complaining about losing a single unit. They must want very mechanical, easy, and human-favoring combat.

                  What's also funny is when several of them complain that the game is doing secret cheats against them even in the new system. I mean pu-leeze. What pusses. some of these newbies even claim that Civ2 does these secret cheats. (The super-strat boys at Civ2 strat have done extensive testing, figured out all the details of how combat works and slain several of the myths.) I just get the impression form this all that some of these guys have a persecution complex...


                  • #54
                    and I'm freakin' tired of people b!tching about losing their tanks when a city revolts. build more tanks people!!

                    jeez you can't expect to use the same tanks to take over the entire world.

                    think about. A city with a population of 1 million versus a tank battalion of a few hundred people. They kill the tanks people!! that is why they dissappear.

                    although a nice option would be an option to allow your tanks to retreat since they are mobile. But infantry units can be killed if 2 million people attack them!!

                    stop whining. yes I realize I'm whining about whiners as well. but I'll stop if you stop


                    • #55
                      the level of viciousness found in many of the "battle threads" has kinna gotten out of hand
                      While not "vicious," your sarcasm is at best a gross mischaracterization of the detractor's points, and at worst it's a mean-spirited insult. Regardless it's anything but constuctive.

                      I would have expected more from you.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Velociryx
                        tho in truth, now that I"m used to playing with corruption as it is, if they make it easier, the game will seem....well...too

                        Good point here. I will go as far as to say that I actually LIKE the severe corruption as it is. Civ III is as good as I have expected, and challenging in a way where the player must be a hybrid builder, sometimes peaceful and occasionally warmonger in order to succeed. I like it that way, and I hope that they WON'T tone down too much the corruption & waste system - because the game will become effectively too much easy. What will happen then? : the very same civers who are constantly complaining about the minor bugs and the difficulty found by managing the severe corruption will eventually find the game too easy to beat at Deity and start complaining about the easier side brought by the patches, because face it the AI will never be able to use at full advantage all the fixes they'll make to facilitate the player's thriving. O.K. for fixing the abilities of some units, but myself I'll be happy with the same corruption. It controls ICS and renders it useless. Just wait to see MoO3's own IFPs & corruption system disadvantaging the largest empires ....

                        Stop complaining and play the game. Anyway the patches are coming, the SP will become too much easy - I'm not sure I'll download them, they'll be useful for MP next year only.
                        The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


                        • #57
                          and I get the impression that Zylka hates the fact that I like the game.

                          I get the impression that he wants everyone to hate civ3 as much as he does

                          take a look at my screen name. I am not like others. I can care less if I lose 1 of my tanks to a pikeman. I just build another. I think some of you wimps are crying when your tank loses to a pikeman.

                          just build another freakin' tank That will be my motto from now on. I may put it in my signiture.

                          I'm outta here. this thread has degenerated to new lows for civ3 general


                          • #58
                            Zylka- Your post at 17:37 is a noble effort, but will be in vain. Remember that we are dealing with people who must have an unhealthy amount of emotional energy into this being the ultimate game.

                            How else do you explain an otherwise insightful poster countering realism critiques with an alleged lack of realism in another game (which is actually a function of gameplay)? The bizarre accusations of why we don't like game? The vehemence with which we are told to shut up?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Dissident
                              and I get the impression that Zylka hates the fact that I like the game.
                              That is an example of you assuming we think like you: you don't want us to critisize, so we must not want you to like the game. Wrong.

                              We are happy that you like it. Just please stop calling us names and telling us to shut up. Especially you, since you have made several critiques.


                              • #60
                                actually I was going to leave civ3 forever.

                                but your post made me think otherwise

                                because you also are making the mistake thinking I think like you.

                                I have no problem with people critiqing the game.

                                but if you look closely at Zylka's posts in this thread you get what I'm saying. Although it is possible I misread his intentions.

                                I do not want to get critisized about liking the game. You can say whatever you want about the game, but don't insult me for liking it. It's not like I like ctp or anything - that is worthy of insult

