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Interface Queries

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  • Interface Queries

    A few questions that I haven't seen answered before, so if they are, forgive me.

    1) Can I unload a unit from an army, or if I load one in are they there for good?

    2) This should be in the manual, but I can't find it. I've noticed that the numbers showing city size on the map screen are red (indistinguishable from the box they're in), white and yellow. Does anyone know what these colours mean?

    3) Is there any way of finding out what technologies other civs have without going all the way into the Diplomacy screen?

  • #2
    1. I don't think you can unload units from armies, at least i've never pulled it off.

    2. Red, city is starving. White, city is growing, yellow, city is not growing nor starving (either has exactly 2 food per citizen, or is unable to grow due to a lack of aquaduct/hospital).

    3. I think the diplomacy screen is the only place to find enemy tech knowledge.


