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Lets Take A Poll On Combat/ai System

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  • Lets Take A Poll On Combat/ai System

    OK, it seems to me that everyone is pretty seriously entrenched in one of five camps:

    (1) the game is just fine
    (2) the game needs some minor tweaking
    (3) the game needs some major tweaking
    (4) the game needs a major overhaul
    (5) the game sucks and is beyond repair

    Without giving long disortations, just a sentence or two state which number describes how you feel about Civ3 and why.

    I'll start with:

    3-Gallies can't sink battleships, spearmen can't kill modern armor, espianoge too expensive, AI should be based on intelligent decisions, not on "unfair" knowledge or point advantages.

    Try to stick to the above format...LET THE REPLIES BEGIN!

  • #2
    My considered opinion...


    Combat values are bad, combat results are suspicious at best and don't match what even the current numbers should show, firepower should be put back in, armies should be upgradeable and interchangeable, bombarding units should be able to destroy enemy units, zone of control needs to be established better than just skirmish fire (which is AWESOME and very welcome by the by!).

    And I haven't even made it into the modern era yet...



    • #3
      You should start a new thread using the Poll Option .
      We will fight them Until Hell Freezes over. Then we will fight them on the Ice.


      • #4
        Polls are cool, but we'd miss the synopsis of why people feel the way they do, which is really more interesting (again, as opposed to long disortations)


        • #5
          0, the combat system is excellent. I am particularly impressed by the AI's ability to coordinate massive invasions and counterattacks at the strategic level. Now we actually have to plan for a war, build an army, and carefully coordinate its every move to win. Things like spearmen defeating modern tanks rarely occur and when they do, 80% of the time its due to player carelessness and arrogance.


          • #6
            OK, I broke down and created a poll for this

