Well, after reading everything in these forums I was rather down on CivIII. Totally convinced that the game was horrendous even though I liked it a bit when I started playing. On to the points I wanted to make.

Aside from certain units not being totally realistic in implemenation, its not that screwed. I think most of this 'Tank lost to Spearman' has something to do with the spearman (or other unit) being in some huge town.
Semi-useless and a waste because the borders don't do jack in controlling AI colonists from staying away. Although taking over towns this way is nice...though there should be some repercussions from the towns original 'owner'.
The game was great - until the modern era. There needs to be some option to just do movement in the background to speed up AI turns. It was taking me ~4-5 minutes at one point (all the while watching the AI move units - like in CivII - back and forth and back and forth).
Make it freaking smooth. You would think this wouldn't be THAT hard.
There is NOTHING special here. The tech is blah, the units are blah. Nothing really makes you go 'Damn, thats cool' - aside from the civ specific units.
Welp, I guess thats everything. Back to the game of SMAC I started up to compare it to CivIII (so far, SMAC is pulling me more to play than CivIII, but that could change with a decent patch to CivIII)

Aside from certain units not being totally realistic in implemenation, its not that screwed. I think most of this 'Tank lost to Spearman' has something to do with the spearman (or other unit) being in some huge town.
Semi-useless and a waste because the borders don't do jack in controlling AI colonists from staying away. Although taking over towns this way is nice...though there should be some repercussions from the towns original 'owner'.
The game was great - until the modern era. There needs to be some option to just do movement in the background to speed up AI turns. It was taking me ~4-5 minutes at one point (all the while watching the AI move units - like in CivII - back and forth and back and forth).
Make it freaking smooth. You would think this wouldn't be THAT hard.
There is NOTHING special here. The tech is blah, the units are blah. Nothing really makes you go 'Damn, thats cool' - aside from the civ specific units.
Welp, I guess thats everything. Back to the game of SMAC I started up to compare it to CivIII (so far, SMAC is pulling me more to play than CivIII, but
