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Maybe the made Civ3 with Wrong Files???

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  • Maybe the made Civ3 with Wrong Files???

    Seeing as some on here are talking about how tanks are falling to Knights Etc... I decided to look on Page 201 of the manual which is the Appendix for the Unit Values. Ok lets see now.

    Knights Have a Value of 4.3.2
    Regular Tanks have Vaulue of 16.10.3
    Hmmmmmmm kinda lop sided hear.

    Ok I hear Tanks falling to Bow Men Too lets see now.
    Well the Book says
    Bowman 2.1.2
    LongBowMan 4.1.1
    Hmmm still really Lop sided bowman shouldnt have a chance?? Right???

    Ive heard of Frigates taking out Subs lets see now.
    A frigate has Value of 2.2.4
    A Regular sub has 8.6.3
    Hmmm agian you would think the sub would win most the time right?

    Another Popular one Iron Clads destroying Battleships Lets see now.
    Iron Clads 4.4.3 ok
    Battleships 24.20.4
    Ok thiers no freaking way that this could ever happen, either your lieing or its broked.

    Alright how about agaist a destroyer
    Destroyers 16.12.6
    Hmmm still destroyers should wip Iron Clads.

    Ok Aegis Cruisers 12.12.5
    Still lopsided in Aegis Cruisers favor right?

    Ok now the question is None of these values seem to match whats in the game right? Look at the appendix and read it by what it says most time more modern units should really win most time? So maybe they sent us the wrong files or something. Maybe they sent an old file with the Cds were pressed? Something has to be wrong if all these people are reporting these kinds of losses right???
    Last edited by Malkuth; November 13, 2001, 17:22.
    We will fight them Until Hell Freezes over. Then we will fight them on the Ice.

  • #2
    Ummmm... no.

    Firstly, combat isn't broken, and modern units win the vast majority of their battles, it's just the badly-timed minority you hear about.

    Secondly, the correct files were shipped, the reason the manual has a few incorrect unit stats is that they were balancing the units all the way up until the game shipped. For those who don't know, the manual is generally sent to press weeks ahead of Gold.


    • #3
      I mentioned this in anther thread as well, but as "common" as these anecdotal lopsided victories are, I'd like to see somebody post some savegames since I'm not personally seeing them in my actual games. I'd particularly like to see the Ironclad beating the Battleship. Anyone? Bueller?


      • #4
        In my post never said it was broke, Im simply trying to figure out how people could be losing all these units they are saying they are losing to ancient Units. With the numbers in the Manual it should be Very Very Rare.
        We will fight them Until Hell Freezes over. Then we will fight them on the Ice.


        • #5
          It's not that rare. In my current game I regularly lose veteran frigates to regular crappy caravels. . .

          I even have to think twice before sending veteran Ironclads against the caravels as it often winds up being a crap shoot - what roll of the die will the AI roll this time. . .

