I could have also titled this "Where did the Wonders go?", because this is really two questions rolled into one.
I went to war with England a few turns before an announcement was made that England had completed the Sistine Chapel. About 700 years later (something is really askew with the whole time frame in this game!) I captured London, but, when I opened the city screen, not only wasn't the Wonder listed, there weren't ANY improvements in the city at all. Now, I understand that the battle can result in the destruction of some of the improvements and the loss of some of the population, but should it result in the destruction of ALL of them, including the Wonders?
So here are my two questions:
1. Is this a new thing in Civ3 that ALL improvements are destroyed when you capture a city, and,
2. Where is the Civ2-like button that will list where the Wonders have been built (Maybe England didn't build the Chapel in London)?
3. And while I'm at it, where's the "Top 5 Cities" button?
OK, that's really three questions.
I went to war with England a few turns before an announcement was made that England had completed the Sistine Chapel. About 700 years later (something is really askew with the whole time frame in this game!) I captured London, but, when I opened the city screen, not only wasn't the Wonder listed, there weren't ANY improvements in the city at all. Now, I understand that the battle can result in the destruction of some of the improvements and the loss of some of the population, but should it result in the destruction of ALL of them, including the Wonders?
So here are my two questions:
1. Is this a new thing in Civ3 that ALL improvements are destroyed when you capture a city, and,
2. Where is the Civ2-like button that will list where the Wonders have been built (Maybe England didn't build the Chapel in London)?
3. And while I'm at it, where's the "Top 5 Cities" button?
OK, that's really three questions.