I have problem with long delay at AI's turn.
The question I have here is, AI is not taking time to think strategy, but using almost all the time to move their units, one by one, and one square by one square. In other words, the more units AI has, the more time costs in its turn. Why AI does this?
Will AI just lift the unit from current square and put it in the target square, at least in the areas where human player can not see? Or even relocate them all together, so as to reduce the AI turn by 99% of time?
I don't think AI enjoys looking the animation of unit movement. The problem maybe because there will be battle encountment in the middle of the route of unit movement, or terrian restrictions etc. etc. so an unit can not be 'airlifted' to anywhere by default. But I don't think a good programmer has to actually square by square move the unit to find out the confliction in the middle of the route, rather than calculate beforehand and airdrop the unit in the place it should stop.
Anyway, that's my thought, and I really can't afford to spend most of my time just sitting before the screen and wait for AI.
BTW, my machine is:
AMD Athlon 1.4G
GeForce 2 GTS with 64 DDR RAM
Raid 0/UDMA 100 hard disks
The question I have here is, AI is not taking time to think strategy, but using almost all the time to move their units, one by one, and one square by one square. In other words, the more units AI has, the more time costs in its turn. Why AI does this?
Will AI just lift the unit from current square and put it in the target square, at least in the areas where human player can not see? Or even relocate them all together, so as to reduce the AI turn by 99% of time?
I don't think AI enjoys looking the animation of unit movement. The problem maybe because there will be battle encountment in the middle of the route of unit movement, or terrian restrictions etc. etc. so an unit can not be 'airlifted' to anywhere by default. But I don't think a good programmer has to actually square by square move the unit to find out the confliction in the middle of the route, rather than calculate beforehand and airdrop the unit in the place it should stop.
Anyway, that's my thought, and I really can't afford to spend most of my time just sitting before the screen and wait for AI.
BTW, my machine is:
AMD Athlon 1.4G
GeForce 2 GTS with 64 DDR RAM
Raid 0/UDMA 100 hard disks