I think Firaxis missed a great oppertunity in Civ3. They could've made an option for Civil War. It would set in if, for example, lets say you have 20 cities. If at least half of them (in this case, 10) lapse into disorder within a set time like say 20 turns. Then the 10 cities would suceed(sp?) from your Civ and select a new capitol city. They would in effect become a seperate Civ, but still retain your civ's values and unique units. You would have to re-capture at least half of the cities for the breakaway Civ to come back into your Civ. It would also come into affect if an enemy civ, during wartime, captures your capitol and 1/3 of your cities. So to conclude my example let's say you're playing as the Americans. You are currently researching Stealth You let disorder claim half your cities. This starts the civil war, the new Civ (the confederacy) immediatly takes half your cities, chooses their capitol at Norfolk and gets Stealth while destroying all the research you put into it. it also creates two unhappy citizens in all cities in both of the civs for the duration of hostilities. You both would also get a free spy in the others Civ. You could force them to re-join if you capture their capitol or capture at least half of their cities. If they capture your capitol they force you to sue for peace. if you refuse to comply they completely raze your capitol and the war continues. Continuing the example with you playing as the Americans. Let's say you are fighting the Russians. They capture washington and 1/3 of your cities. This forms the Confederacy, they sign a peace Treaty with the Russians and the Russians give them diplomatic recognition. The Civ that breaks away will not be represented until each country (besides yours) gives them recognition. If a civ gives them recognition before 50 turns or before the Civil war civ captures your capitol then it's a declaration of war. If the civil war Civ is given recognition before you whip them into line then when you end the civil war the Civ then starts with a single city somehwere in the world with a government in exile. They then act as a totally seperate civ. Which the only way you can expunge them is on a city by city basis. If you decide the war is a lost cause and recognize the new Civ you get three happy citizens in all your cities. I hope this comes across as at least semi-coherent