I played Civ3 at Warlord level a few times and got to the point where I felt man enough to try Prince level (not that I had won any Warlord level games). At Warlord level, I had the frustration of loosing 20 or 30 Modern Armor tanks to a single Mech Infantry unit when trying to take over a city , but that frustration didn't compare to what I ran into at Prince level.
Early in my first Prince-level game I sent a veteran archer and a veteran warrior to take over a city with no walls, a population of 1, and a single regular warriar guarding it (I was German, enemy was English). I couldn't take over that city to save my life (after several re-loads and retrys). But then one of their regular archers took over one of my cities with a population of 3 that had a veteran archer gaurding it. The regular archer beat me whether my veteran archer attacked him or he attacked me. That prompted me to do some testing:
Problems Defending:
Situation: An English regular archer (2 attack, 1 defend, with 3 hit points) attacked from grasslands into my city (population of 6, but no walls) guarded by a veteran German spearman (1 attack, 2 defend, 4 hit points)
Problems Attacking:
Situation: I created an ARMY of 3 veteran spearmen (combined for 3 attack, 6 defend) and attacked a regular warrior (1 attack, 1 defend, 3 hit points), I attacked from a forest into forest.
Results: SIX TIMES IN A ROW he took two damage, but always managed to wipe out my entire army!
I'm sure I could have reloaded and retried this over and over with the exact same results because it always did the exact same thing. So unless the English have some built in advantage over Germans, I would say that something is seriously flawed here.
I agree with other people who say there's no way a swordsman can destroy a tank (unless you want to take into account that the swordsmen sneak up on the tank crews while they are sleeping and slit their throats -which I think actually could happen, but the problem is how often is that likely to occurr?) More problematic is a wooden ship taking down a battleship. I don't think it would so much as put a dent in it even if every single shot was right on target.
I've had a lot of fun getting whooped at Warlord level, but 5 minutes into my first Prince level game I am calling Civ3 unplayable until a patch is released, or could it be that I just need to reboot my computer? Or is it the fact that I'm using Windows XP?
I guess I'll resume my life without Civ3 until an answer (or better yet a patch) comes.
Early in my first Prince-level game I sent a veteran archer and a veteran warrior to take over a city with no walls, a population of 1, and a single regular warriar guarding it (I was German, enemy was English). I couldn't take over that city to save my life (after several re-loads and retrys). But then one of their regular archers took over one of my cities with a population of 3 that had a veteran archer gaurding it. The regular archer beat me whether my veteran archer attacked him or he attacked me. That prompted me to do some testing:
Problems Defending:
Situation: An English regular archer (2 attack, 1 defend, with 3 hit points) attacked from grasslands into my city (population of 6, but no walls) guarded by a veteran German spearman (1 attack, 2 defend, 4 hit points)
Problems Attacking:
Situation: I created an ARMY of 3 veteran spearmen (combined for 3 attack, 6 defend) and attacked a regular warrior (1 attack, 1 defend, 3 hit points), I attacked from a forest into forest.
Results: SIX TIMES IN A ROW he took two damage, but always managed to wipe out my entire army!
I'm sure I could have reloaded and retried this over and over with the exact same results because it always did the exact same thing. So unless the English have some built in advantage over Germans, I would say that something is seriously flawed here.
I agree with other people who say there's no way a swordsman can destroy a tank (unless you want to take into account that the swordsmen sneak up on the tank crews while they are sleeping and slit their throats -which I think actually could happen, but the problem is how often is that likely to occurr?) More problematic is a wooden ship taking down a battleship. I don't think it would so much as put a dent in it even if every single shot was right on target.
I've had a lot of fun getting whooped at Warlord level, but 5 minutes into my first Prince level game I am calling Civ3 unplayable until a patch is released, or could it be that I just need to reboot my computer? Or is it the fact that I'm using Windows XP?
I guess I'll resume my life without Civ3 until an answer (or better yet a patch) comes.