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Drafting Horrors

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  • Drafting Horrors

    The computer loves to draft a ton of people before you take a city over--I have noticed that the penalty for this transfers over to you when you take the city. Even worse, this lasts more than the 10 turns that it states in the manual. I took Syracuse from the Greeks and am still having trouble 180 turns later! That makes sabotaging a city through draft a very viable strategy if you want someone else to deal with a lot of pain.

    I still hope that they fix this in one of the patches though.

  • #2
    Hell no we won't go

    How do you tell that a city has draft unhappiness or whatever it is? My game is just entering the industrial ages and some of those techs are coming up.

    I did notice that a number of cities suddenly dropped in size as my army approached - like a rush built settler. Thing is, they have no gold to rush build with...hmmm...



    • #3
      Drafting is free.... I think Democracy and Republic Draft 1 citizen per turn, the rest can do 2. You just click the draft button next to rush buy, but you need nationalism. It makes 1 or 2 other citizens upset for 10 turns (God I hate hippies...) it takes 1 point of population per drafted unit. A drafted unit will be of the best tech/resourses defenceive unit avalible, but it will be consrcipt, only 2 hit points. If a communist Gov drafts 2 people, then yes, a city will go down by 2, if they see you closing in on a city, they will draft.


      • #4
        perhaps you can cripple their economy by closing in on one city, backing off, and then closing in on another. this should disrupt their economy. Can you use espionage/propaganda during war time? Haven't tried it. If you can, you might get them to defect without fighting.
        “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

        ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


        • #5
          Originally posted by VetteroX
          Drafting is free.... I think Democracy and Republic Draft 1 citizen per turn, the rest can do 2. You just click the draft button next to rush buy, but you need nationalism. It makes 1 or 2 other citizens upset for 10 turns (God I hate hippies...) it takes 1 point of population per drafted unit. A drafted unit will be of the best tech/resourses defenceive unit avalible, but it will be consrcipt, only 2 hit points. If a communist Gov drafts 2 people, then yes, a city will go down by 2, if they see you closing in on a city, they will draft.
          Aha! That's what that little two HP unit was...I rolled it! Can a conscripted unit advance in stature to normal and elite?



          • #6
            yep... he can advance all the way. The technical terms are: conscript (Any 2 hp unit) regular 3 Veteran 4 Elite 5

