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Nuclear Plant-Spaceship bug

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  • Nuclear Plant-Spaceship bug

    I checked most threads and didn't find anything about this...

    When I try to build a Nuclear Plant in some coastal cities, for some reason it is unavailable while at the same time in another coastal city (no river nearby for both cases) I can build it!!!
    What's up with that?

    Also, once you build a nuclear plant in a city, you can't build ANY ss components in there. Solar plants don't cause that problem though...

    Is anyone else having that problem???

    Judging by the amount of complaints/bugs, it looks like the folks at infogrames better release a patch quick!

  • #2
    I myself noticed oddities in nuclear plant construction. At one point, a city could not build it despite meeting the water requirements, at another point, it suddenly could. These oddities have occurred both with and without the Hoover Dam. At both times I had Uranium. Perhaps the number of Nuclear plants building simultaneously is limited to the number of current Uranium resources you hold?


