Ok. I've been playing a regent game, standard map, 7 opponeents. I've had the usual problems with that #$%#@^ governor, but I've accepted him. And, I've come to the realization that it takes two modern armor to kill one #%^#@ rifleman in a metropolis. Ok. Fine.
But who the #%&@'s idea was it to have city's switch allegiance during a #$%#^@ war!?!?!!?! My invasion army consists of some 50 units, i've landed on the german soil, they're fighting hard, but i'm pushing inland, slowly. (Damn riflemen)
And then the cities behind me "depose me" and my own troops switch allegiance. What? Did my horde of well trained and well paid troops just transfer loyalty because they're in germany?
If this had happened in ww2 the german's would never have gotten anywhere cause the frenchies would have just conviced the german soldiers it was better to be french.
I thoguht we ditched spies and diplo's to prevent the moronic bribing of cities, but ##^#@ culture put it back.
I know this isn't the first time its been brought up, but when an invading army can be completly assimilated by those they're invading just cause they're on their soil, something is &^%$ed up.

But who the #%&@'s idea was it to have city's switch allegiance during a #$%#^@ war!?!?!!?! My invasion army consists of some 50 units, i've landed on the german soil, they're fighting hard, but i'm pushing inland, slowly. (Damn riflemen)

And then the cities behind me "depose me" and my own troops switch allegiance. What? Did my horde of well trained and well paid troops just transfer loyalty because they're in germany?

If this had happened in ww2 the german's would never have gotten anywhere cause the frenchies would have just conviced the german soldiers it was better to be french.
I thoguht we ditched spies and diplo's to prevent the moronic bribing of cities, but ##^#@ culture put it back.
I know this isn't the first time its been brought up, but when an invading army can be completly assimilated by those they're invading just cause they're on their soil, something is &^%$ed up.
