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    oK So wha6t I'm, all sick about is peeps trashing a perfectlty gewd game which thousands more peeps is perfectly enhjoying!! Ok so its won thing to constructifly criticize, quit another 2 go off on a rant on all this games kewl features WHICH I Love. SO go back to your old civ2 cuz I was here first and U R wasteing our bandwith

    Just think about it! Every1 who iz telling you to shut up and leave the forums is having a good time to playing this game, so why can't you just shut up and not try to have any features changed in tha new patch!@# I KNOW that I don't have to download tha new patch if I dont want 2 but it's the principle, leave our perfect game alone....

    aND hey, even you guyz who is complaining is still having fun playing the game but might want sum stuff changed, but why is that?! Fun is fun is fun, and iff the game is at all gewd now U don't need to change it ONE BIT!

    I MEean - thar is all these trivial complaints that U have but that we don't wanty changed! LIKE:

    -I like it when dar nuculer submariner is defeated by da Firgate! I just justifies it by the fact that sum subs have accidents and blow themselves up, anyone remember the Kursk?!?! Jeez guys

    -I like it when mai Knight kills a tank! cuz that's one less ebemy tank for me and one more surviveded Knight... and I also justifies it that the knights R smrt enuff to probably stick their lances down the barrel of the enemy tanks, which means that the tanks would shoot and the shells would bounce back into the ammunition compartment of the tank anfd blow the tank up BOOM!! I mean, hey, even knights are humans, and smart enough to do such a thing.

    - So in conclusion combat doesn'ty need to be changed back to hit points and firepower. Case closed!

    -And also I love the raze feature. U should be able to raze a city of any size (even 1 million ctiiznes ) with even 1 of the most primitive units! I mean it only makes cents that a nuclear weapon would only dastroy half of dar modern city, but that a pack of 150 warriors (monkeys with war axes), can raze it to da ground in an instat - skyscrapers and all! I mean skyscrapers aren't invincible, look what happened on september the 11th 20012...

    -Culture is a cool Gnu feature which works according to its description! I feel good that the ai is getting my cities frum cultural revolt even thougt I have higher culture than them. And it's cool that firaxis implemented the abstract of immigration and emmigration in a simple form of whole cities handing themselves over to opposing empires. Right on, think tank1

    -Coatal fortresses don't shoot at passinfg ships?? who cares, what are we here to complain about bugs?!?! Stop wasting my bandwith!@#

    -Air superiority iz broken?! Like I said bucko, go back and whine it 2 your momma! I dont care about bugs I is having fun.

    -Ok but I AM glad that I bout the limited edition package! thar is a tin biscuit cookie which I can put my diapers in and thar is a tech tree chart that is worth the extra 25 bones. It is off centred and you can't reads it, so it just shows that they didn't waste effort on things like tech charts and instead put the effort into this flawless game. Htey even gave us limited edition designers notes which are so top secret that I can't seem to find them yet! How bout that???

    -So some of U is having logical complaints about not having a multiplayer version installed. Well I can tell you taht why would you even want multiplayer? I mean U r fighting against a computer that is smarter than the human mind so why would U want to take a step backwardz into playing against mindless humans? Ok but anyway if you still insist on the multiplayer it is going to comes out in March and u can get a free gift certificate for it if you have already installed civ3 original on your computer and iff you give another 35$ - how bout that 4 more generosity from firaxians~!!~

    -Argghg and why would U complain about not having scenarios, a decent editor, a world map, and all that odder backwardz crap civ2 had - argghh u r so dumb.

    -The next point is that I forget what elzse I was going to argue about. c ya, sorry

    So in conclusion STOP fighting for changes in a game you hope to love. Just enjoy the game and keep your mouthes shut because I am enjoying it. You might be enjoying it too but that is NO logical reason to complain of flarws. Da firaxians don';t even know about dis apolyton site anyway so you can't influence nothing.

    Oh abd by the way I can't wait until tjhe next patch comes out! even though I hate the changes you guys want and R telling you to shut up I will still accept them when they come around in the patch! So bombs away, let';s go a downloadin'

    Now I'm off to go reply to threads I don't like with a snoozing emoticon and a one line quip that is irrelevant! because I am original and I am worth it
    Last edited by Zylka; November 15, 2001, 19:07.

  • #2
    P.S. I also likes this emoticon/smilesly cuz it shows that I'm rolling my eyes in real life at your stupidity and U dont even desarve my brilliant logical argument which I don't have... maybe


    • #3
      My response shall be in emoticon form.


      • #4
        Pherhaps there's something between:
        The Game rules kicks @ss is completely perfect and infallable
        The game sucks is broken completely foolsih and one big bug.

        I'm not sure in what kind of a black-white world you live, I live in a colored one.

        BTW, I laughed about your post and had a good time reading it.
        thanks for that.
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • #5
          I live in a colored world as well. The game is not perfect, yet the game is not broken beyond repair. Give our complaints a listen. Living in the white consists of accepting whatever you're given. Living in the black consists of giving up on the game and throwing it in the trash. We're in between, why aren't you?


          • #6

            I've never dismissed positive critism.
            I've always addressed the interception / coastal fortress stuff as a bug.
            And more like that.

            I have no clue for that reason why you started to insult me like that.
            All I said is that the game is no game for pussies anyway.
            I dislike the bugs, but the rare resources etc. are a plus to the game. Of course it's easy to have all resources in your back yarden. But they're not............... and it adds very much to the gameplay.

            I'm not black / white.
            I hate aggresive overhyped negative posts (as they seem to appear all the time) and I disagree with any (there aren't any) overhyped the game is 100% perfect posts.

            That's a reason to name me a F*CKING MOREN ?

            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • #7
              I insulted you because of that disgusting allegory. As usual, you have dismissed the critics by point blank putting irrelevant and pathetic words in our mouths ("asking quake for enemies to tap you on the shoulder so you can turn around and kill them").

              It's the current trend around here. Put retarded phrases in the mouths of those you disagree with, and then follow up with an irritating use of:

              That is insulting, so don't act so hard done by.



              • #8
                I think you're drunk, Zylka. You should imbibe and post more often.


                • #9
                  Why isn't sarcasm on the tech tree?
                  By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


                  • #10
                    Because the accompanying Angst Ridden Teenager unit was too powerful.


                    • #11



                      • #12
                        In reply to Zylka's original post:


                        yet so true.
                        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                        • #13



                          • #14
                            I can definitely relate to Zylka here. I like your style.


                            • #15


