.......is the trading of techs by AI for absolutely no rational reason other than to make it harder for you.
I was bordered by england who was still in the stone age. She had no money. 0 coin. She had like all the ancient advances and no medievels yet. I declare war on her (i needed a salt peter deposit she had. Next turn she is comming at me with longbowmen and pikemen in waves. All she had previously were archers. The russian must have given her like 5 techs (engineering, fudalism, invention, and a coupe other since i show no techs in the diplomacy now so she is equal to me in tech sin one turn..) NOW that is ludicrous and very cheesy stuff. Id that how they make the AI harder? By giving them cheesy freebies?
SHe had nothing to trade. No money and no tech. Russia just handed her a bunch of tech right after I declare war. It really makes it impossible now for me to take over her cities. Since 5 longbowmen lose to one pikeman and she hads tons of them counterattacking now...but I wont get into that.
I just think it is cheesy. Sure from now on I guess Ill get every country to declare war. Thats an easy way to defeat that so they wont trade techs. Ill just bribe them all. But I just found this out...real lame stuff.
I was bordered by england who was still in the stone age. She had no money. 0 coin. She had like all the ancient advances and no medievels yet. I declare war on her (i needed a salt peter deposit she had. Next turn she is comming at me with longbowmen and pikemen in waves. All she had previously were archers. The russian must have given her like 5 techs (engineering, fudalism, invention, and a coupe other since i show no techs in the diplomacy now so she is equal to me in tech sin one turn..) NOW that is ludicrous and very cheesy stuff. Id that how they make the AI harder? By giving them cheesy freebies?
SHe had nothing to trade. No money and no tech. Russia just handed her a bunch of tech right after I declare war. It really makes it impossible now for me to take over her cities. Since 5 longbowmen lose to one pikeman and she hads tons of them counterattacking now...but I wont get into that.
I just think it is cheesy. Sure from now on I guess Ill get every country to declare war. Thats an easy way to defeat that so they wont trade techs. Ill just bribe them all. But I just found this out...real lame stuff.
