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Cant turn off War time

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  • Cant turn off War time

    I've built a good Babylonian democracy, but Xerxes has decided to attack me. Zululand, France, Egypt, China and Russia, which were under mutual protection pact with my country, declared war against Perse. It was going well, but with the skyrocketing corruption in my cities (they all have courthouse of course, and the Forbidden City is built in a good place), I've decided to put the country under War Time mode. I just can't see the difference...

    Few turns later, Zululand attacked France, Germany attacked Russia, Zululand attacked Azteck and so on, so only 2 country were not in war against me after that and I lost my Iron supply. On the top of that, the war weariness begin to turn my country in a mess... the persian army now outnumber mine...

    I've decided to turn off war time and to apply a defensive method... but... no responses... I just can't turn off war time, and no foreigns ennemy want to discuss with me... It's like a death sentence... What sould I do?
    Last edited by mathgoulet; November 11, 2001, 20:43.

  • #2
    you get increased production. i believe +1 shield on parts of the city that previously already had shield production.
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    • #3
      But you cannot build any "peacetime" improvements, i.e, aqueducts, libraries, etc... in any of your cities until you make peace.

      Only military units and military related improvements.


      • #4
        Oh, and I can't confirm this, but I suspect war mode adds to your civ's war weariness...

