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Has anybody found a use for the Courthouse?

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  • #31
    On normal map you can build one with 8 cities (16 on huge map).

    So it would be nice if you could build another one with 16 cities, third with 24 cities etc...


    • #32
      Originally posted by cheerful
      In my game, courthouse does nothing in remote city that has 1 shield/gold output. It seems the distance OR the city#, as suggessted by some, dominate all other factores.
      EXACTLY! And that is what most people are talking about is the problem. I have the exact same thing happening to me now. Distance Corruption/Waste OVERPOWERS the Courthouse! I even have "We Love the King" Days constantly & the Distance Corruption/Waste and/or City# Corruption/Waste (I only have 40 cities) OVERPOWERS both... and these cities are by no means on the other side of the world. They are more like the distance from Southern Canada to Northern Mexico... Huge map.


      • #33
        I build courthouses and they seem to be effective, just not as effective asin Civ2 though

        bu then, I have only played on Warlord so far...


        • #34
          Originally posted by Venger
          Another smart move. FBI though, Police Central sounds sorta gay...
          I was trying to avoid another American reference. Not every country calls its central police organisation the FBI.

          The Hoover Dam, for example, is a minnow compared to other hydroelectric projects. The amount of labour needed to construct the Snowy Mountains project in Australia would have constructed 100 Hoover Dams. This project was completed in 1974 after taking 100,000 people 25 years to build. Man, that's a lot of shields....
          None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


          • #35
            Originally posted by player1
            What about MULTIPLE FORBBIDEN PALACES.
            On normal map you can build one with 8 cities (16 on huge map).

            So it would be nice if you could build another one with 16 cities, third with 24 cities etc...
            Now actually I like that idea...I think it is pretty neat.
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • #36
              Originally posted by star mouse

              I was trying to avoid another American reference. Not every country calls its central police organisation the FBI.
     about Interpol?



              • #37
                Originally posted by star mouse
                According to the CIV3 site, one way of reducing corruption in distant cities is to connect it to the capital via a trade route. Don't know if it works tho.
                I built several cities on another continent. I had trade routes connecting harbors and the whole smear (courthouse, police station etc.) still only one shield and one food with huge waste and corruption. The only way I solved it was by using a hero to build a palace.

                I'm not sure what effect a courthouse has on minor waste and corruption near your capital but they are worthless for other continents.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by star mouse
                  Courthouse + Supreme Court + Police Station + Police Central...
                  EDIT: Corrected typos.
                  Excellent idea!!!!! Thought that it was some hidden in-game function at first glance! Very reasonable.
                  "640K ought to be enough for anybody."
                  -- Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, 1981


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by star mouse

                    The Hoover Dam, for example, is a minnow compared to other hydroelectric projects. The amount of labour needed to construct the Snowy Mountains project in Australia would have constructed 100 Hoover Dams. This project was completed in 1974 after taking 100,000 people 25 years to build. Man, that's a lot of shields....
                    Easy there, tough guy. Your Snowy Mountains produces what? 4500 GW/H over the course of a year?

                    In 1984, Hoover Dam produced over 10,000 Gw/h of electricity. It averages about 4,000 Gw/h each year....

                    So it ain't no MINNOW, pal.

                    And I don't think you understand how much labor WAS involved in building Hoover Dam. Aside from the fact that we 'get the job done' and don't take 25 years to complete such projects, Hoover was a tremendous undertaking.

                    Now, when Three Gorges is finished, both Snowy and Hoover will be smaller, but puh-leeze. Hoover Dam is no minnow, pal. Especially considering the "Snowy Scheme" is SEVEN different power plants counted as one... while Hoover's generators are all on one site.

                    Add to that the fact that Hoover was built in the depths of the Depression, in the middle of a God-forsaken desert, and you'll start to understand why calling Hoover Dam a minnow is ridiculous.

                    ...end rant...


                    • #40
                      [Off-Topic: Just wanted to say 'hi' to a fellow Orange County person. I'm from the City of Orange, where Chapman Ave. runs into the hills. Now back to your programming.]
                      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by yin26
                        [Off-Topic: Just wanted to say 'hi' to a fellow Orange County person. ]
                        It's still here... I used to work in Orange, off Batavia... near the good old Vans shoe factory...


                        • #42
                          [Off-Topic: Hello to 2 fellow Orange County Civers! CostaMesa here. Now back to your regularly scheduled thread...]


                          • #43
                            5 Banks
                            10 courthouses
                            plenty of luxuries

                            Corruption is strange. I jumped from 100 golds to 169 golds in corruption losses when other people began building ironclads. I thought maybe they were stealing chickens. I do not know. I read that corruption came from my planning and cities.

