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Preferred Rulers

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  • Preferred Rulers

    Just as an interesting side topic (that came to mind after reading the Joan of Arc thread). How many people are happy with the current rulers in Civ3? If you aren't, which rulers would you prefer to see?

    Personally, I would rather see George Washington lead the Americans, as he was our first President, and led the US Army in the Revolution. I agree with the person who suggested that Joan of Arc was not an appropriate ruler (though I would keep her in the military leaders list). Personally, I'd rather see Napolean.

    Anyone else?


  • #2
    If it were up to me, I'd remove Americans altogether from the game. The game begins in 4000 BC for God's sake!

    But then, probably none of the modern civs make sense - Germans, French, English, even the Rus.

    So what I usually do is that I specifically choose all ancient civs in some games, or if I want a better atmosphere of the late medieval - industrial periods (where the game takes on a decidedly but neccessarily western course) I choose the modern civs I mentioned.


    • #3
      A bit anal retentive eh?


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by Altuar
          If it were up to me, I'd remove Americans altogether from the game. The game begins in 4000 BC for God's sake!

          But then, probably none of the modern civs make sense - Germans, French, English, even the Rus.

          So what I usually do is that I specifically choose all ancient civs in some games, or if I want a better atmosphere of the late medieval - industrial periods (where the game takes on a decidedly but neccessarily western course) I choose the modern civs I mentioned.
          By that logic, though, if you're playing the Romans, you should be forced to quit in the mid 5th century (or max, in the mid 15th century). Romans in the modern age! For god's sake! It's just not realistic!
          You're civin' like a fool, but what about DaddyCool?


          • #6
            Stalin,Hitler,Napoleon,Bill Clinton,Richard I,Nero,Ramses.


            • #7
              I wouldn't mind having the option to switch rulers. But it should be noted if you take out Joan d'Arc & other peaceful rulers & replace them with warlike Napolean types no one should be crying that the AI is too aggressive.
              15 Aggressive Civs to go up against... the centuries of bloodbaths. Wow, let me see.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DaddyCool

                By that logic, though, if you're playing the Romans, you should be forced to quit in the mid 5th century (or max, in the mid 15th century). Romans in the modern age! For god's sake! It's just not realistic!
                Yeah, thats why I alternate between all ancient all modern civs. Read my post again.


                • #9
                  I think Firaxis has done a impeccable job of picking optimal leaders for the various Civs.
                  The only one I would replace is Catherine the Great with Vladimir Lenin. But Catherine the great is a good pick as well.

                  I really wouldn't mind seeing Hitler as the German leader. Imagine how entertaining it would be to see Medevial Hitler in some frilly Shakespearean outfit.


                  • #10
                    The reason Joan of Arc becomes the leader of French instead of the Corsican Ogre is just for the sake for femininity (sp ?). So we got 12 male leaders, and 4 female leaders.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Baloo
                      The reason Joan of Arc becomes the leader of French instead of the Corsican Ogre is just for the sake for femininity (sp ?). So we got 12 male leaders, and 4 female leaders.
                      I think you mean feminism. Femininity is slightly different.


