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Kohan: Ahriman's Gift

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  • Kohan: Ahriman's Gift

    Screw Civ3, I think you should all play this little known game called Kohan. I know RTS turns some of you off to games, but Kohan is about as turn-based as a RTS can get. I mean, it's a real thinking man's game. Any of you interested in strategy wargames should take a look at it.

    I have to admit, I absolutely love the Civilization series, and I do believe that when all the patches come out, that Civ3 will be by far the best in the series, which is saying a -lot-!


    I am getting really angry about how the gaming community has been treated by Firaxis/Infrogrames. To release an unfinished game like that, to keep us in the dark so long, and even the -thought- of having to pay for multiplayer or a scenario editor is very annoying, to say the least.

    In contrast, Strategy First, who made Kohan, have been working almost non-stop to please the gamers, listening to us at every step. They've released maybe five or six patches since the game has been out (a few months), and these patches have all made the game much better, and much more involved as they incorporated suggestions from the boards. It's really remarkable.

    The last patch came out right as the new expansion did (Ahriman's Gift is the expansion), and it has made the most changes of any so far. Almost every hero was changed for the better, a building was added, the AI was greatly improved, and it seems like every problem with the game was fixed.

    This company is a gamer's dream, I'm telling you, soooo unlike Firaxis. This is their second game (the first was Europa Universalis, I think) and they're really trying to make an impression.

    I wasn't paid to say this, and I am in no way affiliated with the company, by the way.

    Buy Ahriman's Gift!!! It's a stand-alone game, you don't need the original Kohan.

    Go to for the buliten board (look for the Civ3 Sucks thread, hehe).

  • #2

    First off, Strategy First *published* Kohan. I won't bother with the other inaccuracies in your post.

    Here's me, posting in a closed thread!


    • #3
      Kohan sucks, go buy Unreal Tournament instead!
      In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
      In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


      • #4
        Kohan was ok, not as good as Civ3 in my opinion, but they are relatively different genres. I just can't believe they want $45 for the expansion!
        "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


        • #5
          RTS has generally stunk since Warcraft II.

          Ground Control made a good sweep about making it tactical once again... yet, nothing since has even tried.

          There is no "S" in RTS. Let's just call it RTR -- real time rushing.


          • #6
            I played Kohan , boring straightforward game:"build troops and go kill anyone ". That was all about it. Togerther with all patches Kohan cannot even close be compared with Civ3, even with all its bugs.
            I agree with jones, Strategy First has nothing to do with patches, as well as Europa Universalis which was created by "Paradox" .
            I also went to the forum you mentioned and read "CIV 3 IS CRAP" post. So? Whats there except for number of idiotic posts not concerning Civ3?


            • #7
              Kohan is the type of game that you can play for a few days and not realize how good it is. It is a truely excellent game, by far the best of any RTS I've played including warcraft 2, etc.. Very strategical, or perhaps I should say tactical--due to the genre it is far more tactically involved than Civ, for those who like that sort of thing. It's a very deep game that is difficult to appreciate at first.

              As far as rushes go, the designers have tried very hard to eliminate rushing. The successful ones that have popped up during the course of play have been clamped down on with patches. Rushing is still possible, of course, but it is only one of the viable strategies you could use.

              Just, as a suggestion. I didn't think many people knew about it.

