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Do you think stacked unit movement/selecting units should be added in a Civ 3 patch?

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  • Do you think stacked unit movement/selecting units should be added in a Civ 3 patch?

    I've heard lots of people say that they think that the ability to move multiple units at the same time should really be added to Civ 3, as it'll make everyone's life easier -- not as a major first-patch-or-else thing, but as something that would be really nice if we had. Since I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about this yet, I was wondering... what does Apolyton in general think?

    I see several ways this could be done, so I've made each of them an option. If you can think of another way, then just post it, but this is what I've come up with/heard of.
    [list=1][*]You shift-click on a tile (or something like that), and then when you move, all units on that tile move together. This is probably the simplest thing to do, and still 'feels' very Civ-ish, in my opinion. Also, this is very non-cluttering, so someone who doesn't want to use this feature could avoid it easily.[*]Select multiple units. This idea is kind of complex, and the best way to describe it is probably to say "Starcraft". In short, you can drag/shift-click/whatever to select multiple units and be able to move/minipulate these units all at once (hopefully, if this was done, they'd take out Starcraft's nasty restriction of 12 units max). This would probably be more complex to do, but would be incredible late in the game. The only downside I see is that some people may feel like this is un-civish -- it just doesn't perserve Civ's authentic feel. Personally, I think that it's worth it, but... If you did this, some nitty-gritty game-play details would have to be worked out (if you attack, who exactly does the attacking, and what happens if you loose?), but I think that this would be such a powerful feature that would be so useful and would speed up playing the game so much that it's worth the hassle.[*]Same as #2, but with one important catch -- you can save groups/assign them to key commands. Again, the best way I know to describe this is Starcraft. For those who don't know what i'm talking about , here's how Starcraft does it: if you hit ctrl-1, that grouping is saved to the number one. If you hit 1, that group is selected. Etc, all the way through zero on the keyboard. If this were done in civ, i think this is the best way to do it, with one exception -- more than ten groups should be allowed (i doubt many people would use more then ten, but to not annoy those who would like to)... If I were trying to figure out how to do this, I'd make it that hitting 0 (or ctrl-0) brings up a box/prompt asking what group number you'd like -- this way, no one has to even know this feature exists if they don't want to.[*]Same as #1, but with a group-assignment feature like #3...[/list=1]

    Personally, I'm for #3, though I understand why someone who says no would say no. I can also understand Faraxis saying "no, that's a major major gameplay change, not a tweak" -- I just think it'd be a great feature, that Civ games have been missing for a while.

    The ideas above, and the inspiration for the ideas above, all came from this thread:

    so i highly suggest checking it out. Timeline (thread creator) addresses most of the issues that would come up in his first post, and let me credit a huge portion of the ideas above to him. Also, if you don't understand what I'm saying above (if lots of people don't, I'll try to go back and make it more understandable), check out Timeline's post -- it's pretty much the basis for all the ideas posted above.

    So... what do you think?

    -- adaMada
    Put it in, but only as basic Stacked Units (#1)
    Put it in, with the whole complex selecting units thing (#2)
    Put it in, with the whole complex selecting units thing and also assigning units to groups (#3)
    Put it in, with the basic Stacked Units idea and also the grouping feature (#4)
    Leave it out of the game -- it's uncivish
    Leave it out of the game -- no one would use it
    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton

  • #2
    oops... I meant to vote for #1, but I accidently clicked "Leave it out... no one would use it" when I tried to submitt.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Trachmyr
      oops... I meant to vote for #1, but I accidently clicked "Leave it out... no one would use it" when I tried to submitt.
      Ok, periodically I'll (or someone else can -- I'll just do it if no one else does) post stats that include any mistakes like this. That can also bump the thread, as right now it all seems to be at the bottom within minutes .

      The current results are, then:
      Basic Stacked Units (#1): 5
      Complex Selected Units (#2): 2
      #2 and also Groups (#3): 6
      Stacked units and groups (#4): 2
      Leave it out as uncivish: 0
      Leave it out because no one will use: 1

      If anyone else thinks this is worth keeping towards the top (and people are still voting on it but just not replying to the thread), then feel free to bump it, and post an updated results like this if you want to.

      -- adaMada
      Civ 3 Democracy Game:
      PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
      Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


      • #4
        This thread is about what should be put in the patch -- and this issue has come up many many times.

        Just to try to keep this as a fairly complete list of what all the various arguements and ideas are about this, I'll keep posting links to anywhere else I read this discussed.

        -- adaMada
        Civ 3 Democracy Game:
        PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
        Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


        • #5
          Civ 3 Democracy Game:
          PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
          Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


          • #6
            dbl post, sorry
            Last edited by adaMada; November 13, 2001, 19:37.
            Civ 3 Democracy Game:
            PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
            Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


            • #7
              I voted for #1, the simplest interface.

              From CTP experience, the full-blown grouping UI got in the way. That's not to say it couldn't have been implemented better (it could, IMHO), but I think it's unneccessary.

              Thinking about it, what I really want is none of the above. I'd like the following kind of UI:

              * Groups are unlocked by default.

              * You lock or unlock a group by right-clicking it and selecting "lock" or "unlock". Only one option will appear, depending upon the lock status of the selected group. No lock option will appear at all for singletons.

              * Members of a locked group all move together. Members of unlocked groups move indiviually.

              * A locked group has a little padlock icon next to it.

              * If a group or singleton STOPS (rather than passing through) on a group, it is automatically added to the group.

              * A group moves at the speed of its slowest member.

              That'd cover just about everything I want from grouping.


              • #8
                Thanks for posting this poll! I've been crying out for combined movement of stacked units for many months, and was bitterly disappointed when it was confirmed that Firaxis had left it out of Civ3. One of the most tedious parts of Civ2 for me has always been the endless and mindless movement of individual units all to the same destination in the endgame. I feel the lack of this most BASIC feature should definitely be remedied in the first patch!

                I voted for your #1 as the simplest option, therefore most likely to be implemented (if at all). Some of the others sound good, though I haven't played games that worked that way... But let's [i]at least[/] get the ability to move a stack in a single operation!

                Every time you win, remember: "The first shall be last".
                Every time you lose, remember: "The last shall be first".


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GodSpawn
                  I voted for #1, the simplest interface.

                  From CTP experience, the full-blown grouping UI got in the way. That's not to say it couldn't have been implemented better (it could, IMHO), but I think it's unneccessary.

                  Thinking about it, what I really want is none of the above. I'd like the following kind of UI:

                  * Groups are unlocked by default.

                  * You lock or unlock a group by right-clicking it and selecting "lock" or "unlock". Only one option will appear, depending upon the lock status of the selected group. No lock option will appear at all for singletons.

                  * Members of a locked group all move together. Members of unlocked groups move indiviually.

                  * A locked group has a little padlock icon next to it.

                  * If a group or singleton STOPS (rather than passing through) on a group, it is automatically added to the group.

                  * A group moves at the speed of its slowest member.

                  That'd cover just about everything I want from grouping.
                  In my opinion, what you've said pretty much is number one -- you've just gone through and given some of the details that hadn't been stated before (very good details though -- if they do a #1-type system, I hope they do it this way ). In short, #1 is really any system where you're able to move all the units on a tile together (w/o being able to remember certain groups or a more complex selecting system). I'll try to go back and make that more clear, sorry. Anyone who wants to vote for this option should vote for number one.

                  -- adaMada
                  Last edited by adaMada; November 11, 2001, 17:35.
                  Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                  PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                  Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ilkuul
                    I voted for your #1 as the simplest option, therefore most likely to be implemented (if at all). Some of the others sound good, though I haven't played games that worked that way... But let's [i]at least[/] get the ability to move a stack in a single operation!
                    I agree about what's most likely to happen, but I voted for #3 because that's what I'd like to see -- I think it goes without saying (it does for me, anyway) that, if I want to see #3, I also think #1's better than nothing...

                    I hope Faraxis reads and listens to this thread -- clearly, a very large majority of Civers want this feature. Personally, I really like Civ 3 (except the bugs, of course). Having said that, I think that this'd cut the amount of time it takes to play by so much that I'd play more -- if it doesn't take an hour per turn...

                    -- adaMada

                    PS: I will try to keep this bumped as long as people are still responding to the Poll part, but if it starts getting close to the bottom, I'd really appreciate it if anyone'd bump it -- maybe after you vote . I think that the best way to convince Faraxis to put this high on their "to-do" list of enhancements (under the bugs, of course, but...) is to show that an overwhelming number of Civers want it badly... which, so far, is exactly what this poll is showing.
                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                    • #11
                      I voted for the first option....

                      ok, ok, consider this post a *bump*
                      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                      • #12
                        I think that grouping units is something important in History. Espescially in non-modern warfare, where we are not talking of lots of tactically hidden marines, but of whole bunch of warriors. they didn't have always 200 against 200. A single group could be 500 or 3000 or else. So stacking units could permit it.
                        Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                        • #13
                          I voted for 4. It's simple, but with the group unit selections. Above all, the process should be simple - simple to add units and simple to take them out. I want to be able to collect a fleet in one city, be able to send them to the other side of the globe, ungroup it to form a flotilla, and drop my transports on a beachhead, with a minimum of fuss.

                          And it would also help with those dozens and dozens of workers strewn about.


                          • #14
                            Good Thoughts. I agree that *anything* is better than nothing.

                            Minimum fuss is always the best.


                            • #15
                              adaMada, what are these posts where it,s written "*bump*" in it? U made same on Timeline's thread
                              Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

