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Anybody need a money cheat!

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  • Anybody need a money cheat!

    I found this at www. its a trainer. Just start your game like normal and alt tab out to windows and start the trainer. It may seem like it didnt work at first but to make it work properly just click the cheat several times very fast once you have alt tabed out of the game and go back into the game and immediatley click to end your turn and when that is done you should have a new money value of 10,000 for every click that the trainer successfully recieved. I know, I know this is supposed to be placed in files but i tried and i could not start a new thread so here. Enjoy. If you dont like experimenting with cheats then dont preach me a sermon just dont use it.
    Attached Files
    "How must the man be constituted who will lead Germany back to her old heights?" The man, should be a dictator not averse to the use of slogans, street parades and demagoguery. He must be a man of the people yet have nothing in common with the mass. Like every great man, he must be "all personality," and one who"does not shrink from bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron." To reach his goal, he must be prepared "to trample on his closest friends," dispense law "with terrible hardness" and deal with people and nations "with cautious and sensitive fingers" or if need be "trample on them with the boots of a grenadier." ---Rudolf Hess

  • #2
    Please post here if you try this and tell me how you like it and what you think.
    "How must the man be constituted who will lead Germany back to her old heights?" The man, should be a dictator not averse to the use of slogans, street parades and demagoguery. He must be a man of the people yet have nothing in common with the mass. Like every great man, he must be "all personality," and one who"does not shrink from bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron." To reach his goal, he must be prepared "to trample on his closest friends," dispense law "with terrible hardness" and deal with people and nations "with cautious and sensitive fingers" or if need be "trample on them with the boots of a grenadier." ---Rudolf Hess


    • #3
      It's not like you need it when you can get infinite money in the game without cheating


      • #4
        how? please explain
        "How must the man be constituted who will lead Germany back to her old heights?" The man, should be a dictator not averse to the use of slogans, street parades and demagoguery. He must be a man of the people yet have nothing in common with the mass. Like every great man, he must be "all personality," and one who"does not shrink from bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron." To reach his goal, he must be prepared "to trample on his closest friends," dispense law "with terrible hardness" and deal with people and nations "with cautious and sensitive fingers" or if need be "trample on them with the boots of a grenadier." ---Rudolf Hess


        • #5
          Declare war on a civ, beat them, then extort $9999999999 gold per turn from them. They WILL give it to you. BUT, it seems that your treasury can only hold $1 trillion, so it rolls over to 0 after three turns and you have to sell city improvments. And it makes the game utterly BORING and I just ended up restarting it. If you're lucky, you'll end on a turn before it rolls back to 0.



          • #6
            ehh some of us don't need to cheat to win


            • #7

              So let me get this straight...I buy this game so that I can cheat at it?

              You know, conventionally what we define as a "game" consists generally of two broad concepts - goals and rules. The act of playing the game is to accomplish the goals, within the rules. That's part of what makes the game fun - working within and with the rules to accomplish the goals. When you bend the rules to make accomplishing the goals laughably easy for anyone with a brain, you diminish your fun. No one would play Civ 3 if all it did was display YOU HAVE WON after you hit 'b' to found your first town. Sure, you accomplished the goal (winning) but you didn't have fun - there was no conflict, which is essentially the fun in games like this - conflict with the rules of the world as they exist. That kind of game would get boring fast.

              I'm sure a Civ 3 cheat would be simple within the hacking community - it's entirely single player, so I don't doubt they can hack it seventy-seven ways to Sunday. But the point is, you ultimately reduce your fun by cheating. Or at least, I do. So, no thanks. I think I'll enjoy the game, struggling against and within the rules, as it is. The AI's play by the rules (when I want them to) - I certainly can.



              • #8
                Well if you want a money cheat, there's a now better way to do it

                Threaten a weak civ and demand them 99999999 per year. Be cautioned before using this coz after this cheating (actually a bug exploit), your game is completely *ruin*.


                • #9
                  DISSIDENT- Wow you must have been related to leave it to beaver. Never cheat always tell mom and dad when you have done something wrong. Uhh which part of the dork tree did you fall from. SEVORAK- Posting usually involves two broad concepts read and understand well apparently when i said if you dont cheat dont preach but, your lack of intelligence has showed everyone here you have the brain the size of a peanut. Oh well hope you get educated so long goody too shu!
                  "How must the man be constituted who will lead Germany back to her old heights?" The man, should be a dictator not averse to the use of slogans, street parades and demagoguery. He must be a man of the people yet have nothing in common with the mass. Like every great man, he must be "all personality," and one who"does not shrink from bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron." To reach his goal, he must be prepared "to trample on his closest friends," dispense law "with terrible hardness" and deal with people and nations "with cautious and sensitive fingers" or if need be "trample on them with the boots of a grenadier." ---Rudolf Hess


                  • #10
                    it would have been so much easier with a cheat menu.
                    "How must the man be constituted who will lead Germany back to her old heights?" The man, should be a dictator not averse to the use of slogans, street parades and demagoguery. He must be a man of the people yet have nothing in common with the mass. Like every great man, he must be "all personality," and one who"does not shrink from bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron." To reach his goal, he must be prepared "to trample on his closest friends," dispense law "with terrible hardness" and deal with people and nations "with cautious and sensitive fingers" or if need be "trample on them with the boots of a grenadier." ---Rudolf Hess


                    • #11
                      yeah I'm a dork who can beat the ai with his brain and not some cheat menu

                      I suppose that chieftan ai puts a hurt on you ehh? I suggest an easier game to play like call to power.


                      • #12
                        Can't you just get an image of the victory screen and reload it a bunch of times? Much faster, I think.
                        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                        • #13
                          good point

                          why am I wasting time playing this game to win.

                          I can just cheat to see the victory screen and put my own score on there to make the hall of fame. I just saved myself 15 hours, now I can go cruisin' for chicks.


                          • #14
                            I'd also edit in a picture of my head in the center of the diplomacy screen with other civ heads saying stuff like:

                            Russia: "Damn, you da bomb!"

                            Joan: "I mean I knew you had access to horses, but to think you are hung like one, too!"
                            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

