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Impressions(and mistakes!) from a new player

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  • Impressions(and mistakes!) from a new player

    Disclaimer: This is a somewhat long post, but may be fun to read as its the story of a new player get his butt kicked!

    Hi all I am pretty new to the civ community but I decided to pick up civ III and test it out. I played CTP a little but not a whole lot to really give a whole lot of experience inthis type of genre.

    First I have to say that I am really enjoying this game. I have read many of the posts talking of some of things that need to be fixed and agree with many although I havent had too hard of a time learning the interface and Im slowly learning some of the intracacies in the game although appreently not quickly enough for the first real game I played

    I decided to try a game on the easiest level with the Germans on a standard map with 6 other civs. I also decided to try and devote almost all of my time researching with almost nothing devoted to military. Can anyone say big mistake! I actually was doing very well up into the 1800's, My culture was taking over many of the small cities fairly easily and I was almost completely wiping out the Russians this way.

    After awhile I notice everyone is signing mutual protection pacts with each other. Hmmm ok, (this is probably where I should have got worried but give me a break Im new! I continue to advance nicely when all of the sudden I notice France, England and Russia are starting to move a LOT of troops into my territory. Uh oh!! First time this happened. I contacted each to tel them to remove their troops and low and behold, they declare war! Needless to say at this point I was pretty much out of the game when my vastly inferior troops were being wiped out systematically and my cities being taken over. Even though I had at my disposal troops that were superior I neglected to build any as I was staying peaceful and everyone was polite or peaceful.

    Normally this would really frustrate me but I found it interesting and exciting to see the AI gang up on me. Overall Im having a very god time with this game.

    The only problem I had with this game was the fact thatevery single civ except one, the English, were lumped onto one continent while the English had another continentm larger than ours, all to themselves.

    In any case sorry for the long post but I thought you might get a kick on seeing a newbie get his butt kicked through some stupid moves. I look forward to playing this game some more.

  • #2
    Well I started a new game and this time I decided to try and maintain a small army. Now it seems the opposite has happened. Everyone is attacking everyone! This should make for an interesting game!


    • #3
      [...standing... applauding Grinch2020...]

      You are a breath of fresh air. Imagine, someone who actually enjoys the experience of learning something new. Tip o' the hat to you, sir. Glad to meet you.


      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


      • #4
        Yes, this game is definitely good. My first game (I'm only on my second so far) I was a little put off with all the changes from Civ2 but I have now accepted and like them. This game towers over Civ1 and 2. And that's my opinion. Of course, I'm only on my second game!

        Better luck with this game!
        "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
        "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies. America finally proposed an alliance with me after I took a city of theirs and we came to a standstill on a road to another one of his cities. Unfortunately he was able to sneak a galley around and take one of my undefended cities before this happened.

          One strange thing is that all of the civas dont seem to be showing up on my diplomacy screen. Im not talking about the icon with the question mark either. They simply arent showing up at all. I know they are out there because it will tell me if theybuilding a wonder or proposing things with other countries but I just dont see them. Maybe I am missing something here

