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Soren Johnson, I hate you!

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  • #16
    The only problem on Regent is that the AIs are all too willing to give up their entire treasuries and income to subsidize the human player's tech machines. When I want something from them, I usually pay cash.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jason
      The only problem on Regent is that the AIs are all too willing to give up their entire treasuries and income to subsidize the human player's tech machines. When I want something from them, I usually pay cash.
      Well supposedly you can do this to a lesser extent on the higher levels, which you use, among other exploits, to overcome your disadvantages at those levels to beat the AI.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Earthling7
        If I am in charge of a small/medium empire, they squeeze every penny out of me. If I'm stronger, they pay more. Seems normal. Just like real life. The West is squeezing every penny out of the third world.

        And talking about intelligence... The name of this thread is simply genius! Oh, the wit!
        Actually I was on the bottom of the list in my last game, and I was still able to swindle the AI. It doesn't matter. And besides, you are going to be on the bottom on the higher difficulty levels for almost all of the early-mid game, and you pretty much have to use these exploits to win.


        • #19

          And please next time try to post a smaller than 1Mbyte jpg.
          Not everyone is browsing in a T3.
          I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen


          • #20
            I was wondering if the AI learns how I trade. If they try to swindle me I just say no and leave. Later when they ask, or I try again, I get better deals. I wondered if they are just testing how much of a fool I was before offering me a better deal. Just like a used car salesman would do.


            • #21
              Man, that's really lame. You're complaining that trading on the higher levels is 'too unreasonable.' News flash: deity is INTENDED to be difficult, unlike Civ2 where beating deity required little effort. I suppose your wounded ego can't handle the fact that deity is just too tough for you, so now you're going to whine about it. Suck it up and learn how to play!


              • #22
                Shoot man. People are never happy. People complain about Civ2's AI being too easy so Firaxis answers in Civ3 with a hard AI and then people whine about that. I never wanna be a game designer, it would be too frustrating.
                "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
                "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


                • #23
                  This thread's title is obscene.
                  "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Libertarian
                    This thread's title is obscene.
                    This thread's title should be changed and the poster punished. Warned at least. This annoyes the hell out of me.
                    To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                    • #25
                      First off... the thread's title was a VERY bad way to gain sympathy for your cause and was in bad taste... you need to learn to be civil if you are expecting a decent reply.

                      As far as trading goes I feel that the AI is too stingy about resources... I would think that fur for wines would be acceptable or at least "close to a deal". And I do believe this needs to be addressed in a patch... but I also think that the AI needs to value tech a good deal more than it currently does.


                      • #26
                        Actually, it does, depending on the tech and on the civilization, as Soren explained in his chat. For example, I offered the Printing Press to Xerxes and he loved it, but I offered it to the Zulus and they were offended. Plus, it depends on how the algorithm determines its benefit to them. In my opinion, it is a very sophisticated and realistic negotiation model.

                        [...feeling all icky for posting in this thread...]
                        "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                        • #27
                          Don't worry, no offense taken...
                          - What's that?
                          - It's a cannon fuse.
                          - What's it for?
                          - It's for my cannon.


                          • #28
                            Yes, the AI has asked unrealistic things to me, but I just go to those that will accept better deals. It ALL depends on culture, btw. Higher culture, the more respect you have in military and trade.
                            I agree, that is probably true. Currently in a Regent Game Huge Map my culture is much higher than I anticipated it would be at this point. It is so high that the Persians are letting be absorb them into their culture, rather than using their far superior Immortals & stronger military to devour me. I could list other areas as well. But the bottomline is the AI doesn't recognize culture as a threat or opportunity. Sure a Civ could have their "Culture" box checked, but that just means it likes to build culture improvements - it doesn't know when or where and more importantly the threat of other civ's culture power absorbing their cities. This is 1 way they could improve the AI.


                            • #29
                              Little Infor--Diplomacy

                              The 3 games i have started all on warlord i have had success in dealing w/ all ai civs by "padding" their pockets every 4-5 turns.......I am playing on a Huge map...w/all the civs, my culture is one of the highest and my military is equal to all except 1....
                              Make the ai feel good about you by giving them anywhere from 1-5 gold every 4-5 turns as a token of goodwill, i think that has helped me in getting fair shakes from the ai when i trade w/them.....also....remember this ai does remember little things you do in negotiations, so paying them a little sum like that will be remebered by them.....
                              Now i dont pay little tributes to all 16 civs, i usually on do this to the civs that are next to me starting out, not to some ai civ across the map.......
                              Also, one other thing i have noticed w/the respects civs w/equal or larger armies than it has.........and this is true throughout history in any given situation.....this is a good part of the game i think...for its realistic affect in the game as it had in real history.....this last game i am playing, i made it to around 1500ad w/out one war started anywhere!!!!!!! awsome..........
                              However, i have also found that in every game i have played upto this last one im playing now....i have been really pissed at the seems that once i declare war on one civ for whatever reason...some how all the civs side w/him,,,,,and im all of a sudden fighting against 2-3 civs!!!!! I think this is one thing that needs to worked on dealing w/ai diplomacy and war...................................just my 3 cents worth.............


                              • #30
                                The title for this thread is very unfair. It is easy to see that a great deal of work went into Civ3. The fact that Infogrames had it ship early, meant that Soren, et al could not finish the game the way they would have liked to.

                                Here's hoping the coming patch will help clear up some of the gaming issues. . .

                                I'll be looking forward to it. . .

