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Return Civ3, buy Empire Earth
This is NOT an option!
I play Civ BECAUSE it is NOT RTS!
I played the demo of EE, i saw enough of it to decide, that i will never buy it. What does not mean, that it may not be a great game.DISCLAIMER: If you don't like my typos and/or my grammar, you are free to -CENSORED- my -CENSORED-, 'coz i just don't give a -CENSORED-! ;-)
Hahahaha, if you like seeing straightforward paper, rock, scissors combat that is! Have you played the demo? This unit beats this. No matter what. If that was fixed I still think there are problems. It'll probably be a game I get when I see it for $15. It's not horribly bad, but it's not worth $50.I never know their names, But i smile just the same
New faces...Strange places,
Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
-Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"
Need I say more?
These are one of the guys that don't like CIV3 they are RTS players.
You can't compare RTS to Turn based..Tested Empire earth and i agree with the post above mabye if i get it free or pay like 15 $
Go buy Empire Earth, so we can get less whine spams here.