Originally posted by WhiteElephants
I fail to see your point. I could say the same thing that infections and disease killed more than artillery and bombing.
I fail to see your point. I could say the same thing that infections and disease killed more than artillery and bombing.
That's a simple FACT. Yet this fails to answer why you think artillery and bombing are capable of destroying entire units.
I need not point any further than the current war in Afghanistan to make my point.
Granted it kills people, but that's not what we're arguing about. What we're arguing about is whether or not it's capable of destroying units that are represented in Civ, which I assume are near Corp size. Now I'll grant you that they can inflict vast amounts of damage, but you surely aren't going to march your artillery into the Stalingrad are you?
Of course not, you need ground troops to go in and clean up the mess.
I don't have the game, but, again, I'll meet you half way and agree that maybe artillery needs to be stronger, but I'm not going to as far as to say that it should wipe out entire units either.
Air power can render entire armored formations combat ineffective. Hence, destroyed. Artillery can render infantry combay ineffective, hence destroyed. Air power can outright sink ships. This is not represented in the Civ3 combat system worth a damn.
Considering that people survived Hiroshima I don't think its a strech of the imagination to believe there would also be survivors of an artillery strike no matter what the size large.
Besides the gameplay repercussion of artillery deystroying units are exactly what you want to aviod that was in Civ2. I would think you'd be somewhat happy.