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  • Demographics

    I tried to post this yesterday, but the forum was not my friend. Let's hope it works better now.

    One of the most useful tools to measure your performance in Civ2 was the Demographics screen. I used it then, I used it in Civ1 and I'd love to be able to use it now, but the only time I've seen something like it in Civ3 is when I Win/Lose/Retire.

    Am I missing something, or is the Demographics screen another victim of the "streamlining" policy?
    To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks

  • #2
    press F11 anytime u want. . voila! dempgraphuics and top5cities
    ev0l h4xx0r


    • #3
      I actually have a related quesiton to demographics. Like the rest of you guys, I found it extremely useful, yet, for some odd reason, the manual does not give much detail into how each of the demographic variables are calculated.

      GNP for example, is an obsession of mine. Hey, I want my country to be rich and i want them to reflect real countries.

      But... it looks like the GNP model is following closely to what they had in Civ1 and 2. which is basically some number derived from the production of your cities, but does not really reflect a real world counterpart. Can anyone shed some light as to the variables that affect GNP?

      I know vaguely, that trade routes and the wealth generated in the cities add to this sum, as well as city improvements. But most countries today can reach 100 billion GNP easily. And the United State's GNP is, i bleieve 9 trillion dollars! That seems like an unlikely sum for a Civ3 game, even if you have a population of 250 million, trade routes and all city improvements...
      AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
      Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
      Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


      • #4
        Originally posted by jedi_gbg
        press F11 anytime u want. . voila! dempgraphuics and top5cities
        Hehe, the ultimate solution. I love Hotkeys!
        A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Stromprophet

          Hehe, the ultimate solution. I love Hotkeys!
          I love 'em too, but the 'ultimate solution'? I think we'll need to see some voice recognition in the game; That could be streamlined and intuitive.


          • #6
            "kill teh enimy" -> AI: please restate the nature of your global emergency.
            I hate Civ3!

