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Live in a cave!

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  • Live in a cave!

    Something really strange happened yesterday. I was playing on Warlord, as the Greeks, in a 6-way game on a Small map. I conquered 3 of the other 5 civs, made peace with the last two (who were on another continent) and won by spaceship. I had almost all of the wonders, some massive cities, and I was getting techs every 4 turns even at 40% science.

    But, it felt like something was missing. Then I realized what it was:

    I hadn't had a single palace improvement. The ENTIRE game, not a single one. Nothing unusual about the game; my capital had 8 or 9 Wonders, my people were always happy (We love the Emperor days everywhere). I was maybe 10 turns away from a Culture victory when the ship launched, and I could have had a Domination victory at any time I wanted (I had about 65% of the land).

    But still no palace improvements. Didn't turn them off; didn't ignore the messages; it just never offered to improve.

  • #2
    I think it shows what the people really thought of you. They were likely hoping you would finish and go away without noticing. [guys, hide the marble! the king is here...and for crisssakes smile!]

    " [grumble grumble] look! the police... ahem " WE LOVE THE KING!", ...phew. they are gone. [grumble grumble]"



    • #3
      Yes, I've seen this too.

      When it finally did prompt me (might have been after a reload, I wasn't paying attention), I then got to make about 5 improvements at once.

      So the game is definitely queueing palace improvements up.

      I wonder what causes the popup box to houdini?

      It's probably a bug. Not a mean nasty one, just a little roach.


      • #4


        • #5
          I saw it too when I was playing the Chinese and thought it was a Mao thing.
          Battles are won and lost, long before the first round is fired, by logisticians. Amateurs study tactics, generals study logistics.
          - Erwin Rommel


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ironwolf
            I saw it too when I was playing the Chinese and thought it was a Mao thing.
            The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
            - Frank Herbert


            • #7
              Re: Live in a cave!

              Originally posted by Spatzimaus
              Something really strange happened yesterday. I was playing on Warlord, as the Greeks, in a 6-way game on a Small map. I conquered 3 of the other 5 civs, made peace with the last two (who were on another continent) and won by spaceship. I had almost all of the wonders, some massive cities, and I was getting techs every 4 turns even at 40% science.

              But, it felt like something was missing.
              Sounds like what you're really missing is any semblance of challenge if you have almost all the wonders.

