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Some thoughts on Civ3 (LONG)

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  • #16
    bump. Firaxis, read and heed.


    • #17
      Great ideas. Under diplomacy, in addition to your idea for a Trade Overview screen, I wish the diplomatic options included the ability to demand third party actions. Specifically: "Offer Peace to..." and "Cancel Right-of-Passage Treaty with..."


      • #18
        My idea on colonies is that they should be used early in the game and are useless later.

        It's hard to use them early though as you mention the computer ICS or REX is insane and they steal them early. If you're not careful. I think I'm pretty careful.

        But then again, they can be useful. If you get in the tech lead, and discover coal. Say in a remote area, that the computer is off from. Or the computer is just barely not getting them, then you can build a colony, or a city and claim it. I'm building cities more often to claim resources.

        Another note though. In scenarios, say New World, Colonizing especially, when the Comp doesn't REX, it might be very important to obtain these resources by colonies.

        I like the resources in general. They are cool. They cause wars, conlfict, trade, and can be a way to screw civs over.
        A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."


        • #19
          I agree that the game is way too tough in chieftain. I am playing a game in chieftain now. I'm dominating , but I can see that new players would have lots of problems.

          The AIs reckless expansionism + the harsh corruption rules = lameness

          When you raze a city, the AI will just build another one in the exact same spot. This means that overall razing is not very effective. So if you start taking AI cities, you have to let them stand, even though the corruption rules make them ineffective. So the only way to ultimately curb AI expansion is to hold onto a bunch of unproductive cities. I can live with that, but it seems lame.

          I like the idea of having corruption penalties for large empires. I don't like corruption rates approaching 100%.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Madine
            When you raze a city, the AI will just build another one in the exact same spot. This means that overall razing is not very effective.
            Maybe we need a "salt their fields" command. That would stop them from coming back....

            Seriously, this is a great thread. HawaiiFive-O has some great ideas and I hope Firaxis listens to them.
            KH FOR OWNER!
            ASHER FOR CEO!!
            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


            • #21


              • #22
                I still remember my first game of Civ. It was on Chieftan, I had no idea how anything worked, and I roundly kicked the AI's ass. My first impression was, not only is this the most fun game I ever played, but it's easy to win as well. Let's play another, on Prince this time. Here I am, 8 years later.

                So yes, I agree with the original post. Make Chieftan a cakewalk, and Prince just a bit harder than that. After that, every man for himself. I think this is real important if you want to sell a lot of copies and make a lot of new fans, really I do.



                • #23
                  The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!

